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What is a kenning?

A kenning is "a concise compound or figurative phrase replacing a common noun". It comes from the Anglo Saxon era, where swords had names like "death-bringer" or "wound-maker". You can create a lovely "riddle poem" by describing something in different ways on the different lines.Start reading below.

Kids on the Net - the children's writing website celebrating 10 years online! - publishes many kennings from young writers all over the UK and the world. Explore those below and the links above. And why not check out all the rest of the chidlren's writing we publish? See What's New? and About Kids on the Net

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By Emma, 9, Leicestershire, UK

Leaping Champion
Mischief Maker
Cheeky Laugh
Nut Lover
Banana Picker
Very Noisy
(July 2006)

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A ball smasher

By Lewis, 10, Cornwall, UK

tall batter
bat basher
team killer
steady hitter
perfect field
cricket lover
sweep master
ball destroyer
who am I?
(July 2006)

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The nasty cow

By Anna, 10, Cornwall, UK

Loud mooer,
Noisy trooter,
Bad kicker,
Grass hover,
Feild recker,
Noise maker,
hay hopper,
Noise disturber.
(July 2006)

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Diving dolphin

By Taalanya, 10, St Ives, Cornwall, UK

Swift swimmer
Sea diver
Smooth mover
Voice chatterer
Fish eater
Wave jumper
Friend maker
people rider
(July 2006)

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My Kitten

By Emma, 10, St.Ives (Cornwall), UK

Swift runner,
Fluffy monster,
Cute cuddler,
Sweet sleeper,
Toy chaser,
Powerful pouncer,
Smelly pooper,
Mouse destroyer
(July 2006)

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The Grim Reaper

By Catherine, 9, St.Ives, Cornwall, UK

Flesh ripper,
Slave whipper,
Bone grinder,
Human killer,
Body chopper,
Hell lover,
Life taker,
Soul eater.
(July 2006)

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Dance lover

By Ellie-Jo, 9, St.Ives, Cornwall, UK

Light footer
Leg lifter
Long pointer
Light floater
Tip toer
Point lover
Dance carer
Lively concentrator
(July 2006)

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Kangaroo - a Kenning

By Joel, 9, Leicestershire, UK

Mad hopper
Aussie animal
Kind carer
Pouch wearer
Strong kicker
In a movie
Grass hoover.
(June 2006)

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By Becci, 9, Leicestershire, UK

Water diver
Human kisser
Fish ripper
Squid eater
American seafood
Shark revenger
Seaweed hater
Mammal grinner
Group swimmer
Kind liver
Person lover
Athletic sea-creature
Hoop jumper
(June 2006)

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By Eleanor & Becci, 9, Northamptonshire, UK

Really smelly
Curly tail
Pink skin
Very fat
Hairy stinker
Stupid thinker
Tasty porker
Slow waddler
Big bottom
Butchers meat
Crispy bacon
Crunchy sausage
Farmers babe
Sunday hogroast
Lightening gulper
(June 2006)

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Howler Monkey

By Eleanor, 9, Leicestershire, UK

Tree climber
Fruit lover
Tail swinger
Loud screamer
Baby cuddler
Rainforest liver
(June 2006)

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By Will, 11, Bury, UK

a barking state
a mans best mate

a rough furr
a cats purr

a loud woof
a canine's tough
(May 2006)

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By Caity, 9, Leicestershire

Cat Chaser
Good Prowler
Food Cruncher
Field Lover
People Scarer
Stick Fetcher
Fine Swimmer
More kennings from Leicestershire

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My Mum

By Jenny, 11, York, UK

Great cook
No book
Big Shopper
Big bopper
Wears jeans
Loves beans
Child carer
Good sharer
Bad speller
Brilliant story-teller
(May 2006)

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By Paige, 11, York, UK

Jean wearer
Spider scarer
Petite hair
Always fair
Always cares
Loves teddy-bears
Works hard
Likes a card
Mobile jokes
Not a hoax
(May 2006)

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My sister

By Hayley, 11, Penrith, UK

Loves boys,
all noise
bossy teen
Very mean
messy bedroom
loads of perfume
so sneaky
and boy is she cheeky
it's all pink
and hates the hockey rink
theres only one person who it could be
erm let me see MEL.
(May 2006)

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A dragon

By Olivia, 11, Barnsley, England

A scaley beast
A tooth nasher
A body slasher
A child eater
A huge mamal
A lonely cryer
A young protector
A mountain watcher
A cave hidder
(May 2006)

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By Class 9 Wild Cats, 10 and 11, Barnsley, UK

Meat Eaters,
Drum beaters,
Desert Livers,
Fright Givers,
Story Tellers,
Funny Fella’s,

Animal Skinners,
Trophy Winners,
Noisy Walkers,
Quick Talkers,

Spear Flingers,
Soulful Singers,
Shield Grippers,
Funky Flippers,

Playful Fighters,
Fire Lighters,
Bead Wearers,
Animal Scarers,


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Who's that person?

By Niroosh, 8, UK.

Man U Player
Man U Striker
Red T-Shirt
Silver Shoes
Best Dribbler
Brown Hair
Goal Scorer
Who Am I?
(July 2005)

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By Heloise, 9, Nutley, East Sussex, UK

Night prowler
Midnight Howler
Swift runner
Meat hunter
Air sniffer
Hackle raiser
Throat ripper
(July 2005)

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By Fiona, age 7, Our Lady Immaculate School, Tolworth, London, UK

A fine jumper
A fabulous singer
A great hopper
A green darter
A hot cruncher

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Kids on the Net

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