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What is a kenning?

A kenning is "a concise compound or figurative phrase replacing a common noun". It comes from the Anglo Saxon era, where swords had names like "death-bringer" or "wound-maker". You can create a lovely "riddle poem" by describing something in different ways on the different lines.Start reading below.

Kids on the Net - the children's writing website celebrating 10 years online! - publishes many kennings from young writers all over the UK and the world. Explore those below and the links above. And why not check out all the rest of the chidlren's writing we publish? See What's New? and About Kids on the Net

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My dog

By Trinidad, 11, Santiago, Chile

Cat chaser,
barking dog,
fast runner,
honey skin colour,
splendid tricks he makes,
omnivorous creature,
his ear is cute,
is easy to recognize,
he is the only one!
(March 2007)

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By Dahsin, 12, Birmingham, UK

(March 2007)

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Kenning - the penguin

By Lauren, 11, Cheltenham, UK

Belly swooper,
egg rubber,
baby huddler,
fish eater,
big beak,
small feet.
(March 07)

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What am I?

By Caitlin, 10, Bloxwich, UK

cheese referer,
crater holder,

Earth orbiter,
Light reflecter,

Dust carrier,
Footprint preserver.

Mouse over the line below to see the answer
The moon

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My Puppy

By Rebecca, 9, Dorset, UK

fire warmer
food taster
bed snuggler
cat chaser
walk puller
sweet licker
(Feb 07)

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who am I ?

By Rebecca, 9, London, UK

Bad blinker
Good drinker
Fat scratcher
Good catcher
Good squeaker
Fast runner

who am I?
(Feb 07)

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A snake

By Gloria, 11, Dubai

A scaly creature
A rodent catcher
A hissing speaker
A harsh predator
A sneaky crawler
A piosonous killer
A vegetable hater
With a wide mouth
(Feb 07)

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By Molly, 10, Leeds,UK

Swishy tail
Brown ears

Beach walker
Sea hater

Eeyore maker
Straw eater

Cute face
Human servant

Mary carrier
Joseph's walker
(Feb 07)

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The dog

By Holly, 10, Leeds, UK

(Feb 07)

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By Megan, 11, Leeds, UK

Fish snatcher
Egg hatcher
Night hater
Fish Traitor
Swift mover
Fish hoover
Blue flash
Loud splash
Sea dasher
Ship smasher

(Feb 07)

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By Fern, 11, Leeds, UK


Dark creeper



(Feb 07)

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Recipe to make a dog

By Ellie, 10, Leeds, UK

A big eater
A friend meeter
A lazy sleeper
A great leaper
A trick learner
A calorie burner
A cat chaser
A fast racer
A meat lover
A bone chewer

A recipe to make a dog.
(Feb 07)

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My Teacher

By Jessica, 10, UK

Homework Giver
Sum Checker
Loud shouter
Nose Picker
Smart Dresser
Rubbish joker
Rule Maker
Nit Finder
Banana Peeler
Fun Killer
Hard hitter
School lover

That's my Teacher
(Feb 07)

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By Patryk, 10, Temple Guiting

Fun Entertainer,
Rock machine,
Sing alonger,
Bell bonger,
Opera singer,
Piano player.
(Feb 07)

Read more kennings from Temple Guiting

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My dog

By Holly, 11, Leicester, UK

Bath hater,
good swimmer,
toy distroyer,
good sleeper,
sofa recker,
meat eater,
bin snacher,
cage hater,
good fighter,
food lover,
cat chaser.
(January 2007)

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By Gabrielle, 10, UK

easy rider
water skimmer
tali slapper
an oly shimmer
performing and playful
happy and chearful
all day long
(Feb 07)

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By Haleema, 11, Birmingham, UK

chocolate eater
gum sucker

penguin lover
secret sharer

great creater
book reader

television watcher
hard worker

computer typer
msn chatter

hair curler
quick typer

library monitor
money spender

calligraphy learner
nail biter

crisp muncher
older sister

bike rider
jewellery wearer

Eid lover
card maker

bedroom tidyer
mirror gazer

fashion starer
hair plaiter

cat lover
mischief maker
(Feb 07)

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By Kennedy, 10, York, UK

Girl lovers,
Weird brothers,
Huge eaters,
Smelly feeters,
Football crazy,
Always lazy,
Showy off-y,
Kinda bossy,
Hair gel,
Bad smell,
Big tell tail,
Don`t do well,
Bad fashion,
No passion,
On a mission,
Raid the kitchen,
Want a kiss,
Think I`ll miss!
Out of power,
Thick as flour,
They are about, believe me,
(Feb 07)

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A Pony

By Charlie, 9, Shrewsbury, UK

Food demolisher
Apple eater
Carrot crusher
Grass guzzler
Bucking bronco
Dressage diva
Giant jumper
Stable dweller
(Feb 2007)

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My Mum

By Craig, 10, West Sussex, UK

A dishwasher filler
teacup sipper
armchair lover
boathroon cleaner
housework doer
toothbrush user
fishpond feeder
greenhouse grower
tooball hater
saucepan burner
(Jan 07)

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By Fiona, age 7, Our Lady Immaculate School, Tolworth, London, UK

A fine jumper
A fabulous singer
A great hopper
A green darter
A hot cruncher

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