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What is a kenning?

A kenning is "a concise compound or figurative phrase replacing a common noun". It comes from the Anglo Saxon era, where swords had names like "death-bringer" or "wound-maker". You can create a lovely "riddle poem" by describing something in different ways on the different lines.Start reading below.

Kids on the Net - the children's writing website celebrating 10 years online! - publishes many kennings from young writers all over the UK and the world. Explore those below and the links above. And why not check out all the rest of the chidlren's writing we publish? See What's New? and About Kids on the Net

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Shark Attack

By Tom, 11, Worcestershire, UK

Fish scarer
Body tearer
Sea hunter
Limb cruncher
Fish scoffer
Bone cougher
Sharp gnasher
Skull smasher
(July 2005)

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The Castle

By Douglas, 11, Worcestershire, UK

Body protecter
Enemy deflecter
City saver
Life claimer
People holder
Stone boulders
Murder holes
Gold tolls
What am I ?
(July 2005)

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Saxon Helmet - a kenning

By Class 4G, 9, Haverhill, Suffolk, UK

(July 2005)

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By Suzi, 12, London, UK

Crack Crawler,
night caller,
silk spinner,
scary winner,
8 Legs,
lots of eggs,
creepy crawler,
ceiling explorer
legs hairy,
Very scary!
(July 2005)

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My Dad

By Alfie, 10, Worcestershire, UK

Trouser tearer
Glasses wearer
The money maker
Your chocolate taker
B&Q shopper
Sofa flopper
Deoderant user
Pub boozer
Newspaper reader
Garden weeder
Bad dresser
Mum stresser
Fridge emptier
Who can it be?
(July 2005)

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By Nadia, 8, Windsor, UK

A sly shape
A silent slinker
A hen killer
A secret hider
A night hunter
An owl threatener
A winning fighter
A cheeky wrestler
A non dawdler
A qick flash
A blood drainer
A never failer
A bright amber shimmer

Select this line with your mouse for the answer: Answer: Fox
(July 2005)

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By Arjun and Curtis, 9, Derby, UK

Killing thingy
A lean mean speed machine
Runs at 60 miles per hour
(July 2005)

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Kennings (A fishy road)

By Frankie M, 8, Brighton, East Sussex, England

Sparkling swoosher,
Frog pusher,

Foam maker,
Wave breaker,

Slipping slower,
Splashing faster,

Dancing shimmer,
Glittering dimmer,

Fast runner,
Slow walker,

Burbling talker,
Lilly stalker,

Soft Whisperer,
Gentle listener,

(May 2005)

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By Kenzie, 10, Worcestershire, UK

Trouser tearer
Glasses wearer
The money maker
Your chocolate taker
B and Q shopper
Sofa flopper
Deodorant user
Pub boozer
Newspaper reader
Garden weeder
Bad dresser
Mum stresser
Fridge emptier
Who could it be?

(February 2005)

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Guess Who?

By Edward, 10, Worcestershire, UK

Rule breaker
Foul faker

England leader
Headlines reader

Goal shooter
Sharp booter

Rib splitter
Nasty spitter

Fuss maker
Penalty taker


(February 2005)

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My Mum

By Francesca, 9, Worcestershire, UK

Dad stresser
Fashion dresser
Perfume user
Little boozer
Makeup wearer
Big swearer
House cleaner
Sometimes meaner
Who am I?
(February 2005)

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By Rachel, 12, Hertfordshire, UK

A Fast flyer
A Gorgeous glider
A Rapid eater
A Vicious hunter
A High predator
A Mean-eyed looker
it's an Eagle!
February 2005

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The Flame of Battle (a viking sword)

By Connie, 10, Northamptonshire, UK

(January 2005)

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The sea

By Natasha, 11, Kent, UK

A boat sinker
A wave bringer
A people swallower
A fish homer
A hair holder
A castle's moat
to make me …
(January 2005)

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By Sam, 11, Cleavdon, UK

Rain hater
Home work giver
biscuit muncher
(January 2005)

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My Kenning

By Bailey, 10, Bristol, UK

Try guess what it is.

Good swimmer
Loves owner
Toy lover
Bone licker
Cat chaser
Fast runner
Lazy sleeper
Fur moulter
Tail wagger
Loud woofer
(January 2005)

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My Kenning

By Emma, 10, Bristol, UK

Try and guess what my animal is?

People scarer,
Fast sprinter,
Meat hunter,
Hairy biter,
Cub giver,
Fangs sharper,
Loud roarer
(January 2005)

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By Oliver, 7, Reading, UK

Kenning removed because of copyright infringement.
It is an offence to pass off someone else's work as your own. Thanks to Reece for spotting it.
(January 2005)

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The river

By James, 11, Loughborough, UK

I am a…
side scrubber
steaming racer
a natural bath
provider for the fishes world
creater of all geesers
a tumbling turner
a wrapper taker
a welly wetter
and most of all a brill splasher
(January 2005)

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Great White Shark

By Joseph, 11, Birmingham, UK

A triangular fin
A frightening grin
A lover of blood
A killer so good
A mean machine
A meat eater keen
A fish from the dark
A great white ________.

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By Fiona, age 7, Our Lady Immaculate School, Tolworth, London, UK

A fine jumper
A fabulous singer
A great hopper
A green darter
A hot cruncher

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