My Perfect
"My Perfect Moment" and other creative writing from Chilliwack,
Briitish Columbia, Canada (October -November 2004)
Poems from Capel St Mary
Poems from Capel St Mary, near Ipswich, UK, including some very
interesting teachers and some very special beaches! (October-November

Stormy Poems
Stormy personification poems from Seamer and Irton CE Primary School,
Scarborough, UK (October 2004)
Haiku from All Saint's CE Primary, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex,
UK (September 2003)
Yardleys Secondary School in Birmingham, UK, tell us their favourite
recipes to make a teacher....

Kennings have their origin in Anglo-Saxon Old English poetry. A
kenning is a literary device in which you use two words or a compound
word in a new way to describe a noun, such as "sword bearer"
for warrior
You can make puzzle poems by using several kennings to describe
the same thing. Lots of Kids on the Net writers and schools have
tried it:

Limericks are always fun to read and write. Whether you follow
the strict rule or are a bit creative, the important thing is that
they're absurd or funny.

Tall Tales and Fables
Fantastic stories to explain the natural world, tales
of ancient giants and moral fables. These kinds of stories have
a long history and have been written and told in many countries
acorss the world, whether, inspired by the Australian Aboriginal
Dreamtime or tall tales which began in the 1800s as a way for pioneers
to understand the greatness of the America West.

Chiddix Chapters
From Chiddix Junior High School, Normal, Illinois,
USA, one of Kids on the Net's most prolific schools, a series of
wonderfully developed long stories, back to 1999, some Science Fiction.

©2003-2011 Kids on the Net and the authors
Last revised
Kids on the Net

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