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What is a kenning?

A kenning is "a concise compound or figurative phrase replacing a common noun". It comes from the Anglo Saxon era, where swords had names like "death-bringer" or "wound-maker". You can create a lovely "riddle poem" by describing something in different ways on the different lines.Start reading below.

Kids on the Net - the children's writing website celebrating 10 years online! - publishes many kennings from young writers all over the UK and the world. Explore those below and the links above. And why not check out all the rest of the chidlren's writing we publish? See What's New? and About Kids on the Net

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My Mum

By Megan, 9, St Helen's, UK

Morning Hater,
Children Lover,
Happy Helper,
Neat Eater,
Great Liver,
Finger Pointer,
Friendly Hugger.
(June 2008)

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My Mum

By Megan, 9, St Helens, UK

Morning Hater
Children Lover
Coffee Drinker
Finger Pointer
Neat Eater
Happy Liver
(May 2008)

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By Aminah, 11, Glasgow, Scotland

Perfect pouncers
water disasters
Catnip lovers

Meat eaters
Cunning creatures
Prowling tigers

Sharp claws
Growls miaow
(May 2008)

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Guess who?

By Naimo, 10, London, UK

A fierce predator
A fast mover
A meat eater
A body protector
A clever mate
A smart thinker
A spotty textile
A stroke able animal
A mindful spy!
(May 2008)

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By Meagan, 10, UK

Animal lover,
cute brother,
art adorer,
hair fusser,
has a passion,
for fashion,
friend maker,
diary taker,
best friend,
never end,
sports super,
netball shooter.
(May 2008)

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By Shahzaib, 9, Dudley, UK

(May 2008)

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The Nose

By Nathan, 11, Peterborough, UK

Strong smeller
Finger holder
Face taker
Cold base
Hanky blower
Food taster
Eskimo kisser
(May 2008)

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By Samad, 10, London, UK

Top Cricketer
Football Player
tennis master
WWE Watcher
psp player
mr. brother
games lover
computer user
(February 2008)

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My Cat

By Nick, 12, Auckland, NZ

(February 2008)

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My pony

By Brittany, 13, Auckland, New Zealand

Food eater
Apple muncher
Carrot crusher
Grass guzzler
Cover biter
Dressage diva
Giant jumper
Stable nibbler
(February 2008)

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By Evie, 10, UK

furball cougher
secret scoffer
furry thing
tail like string!
loves to be huddled
gets in a muddle!
likes bear hugs
doesn't like bugs!
(November 2007)

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By Laura, 10, Derby, UK

A furball spitter
A mouse catcher
A leg rubber
A sofa scratcher
A tree climber
A meowing maker
A fish hunter
A bird stalker
A swimming hater
(June 2007)

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What is a teacher?

By Sarah, 11, England

Time taker
Education provider
Apple receiver
Coffe drinker
Homework marker
Elevated thinker
Register taker
(June 2007)

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My Dog

By Danielle, 10, Wrexham, UK

Family member, eye popper,
Postman hater, binman lover,
Feet licker, bum sniffer,
Slobber master, poor traveller,
Ball player, fountain drinker,
Sometimes stinker,
But I still love him, he's a winner!
(June 2007)

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my friend

By Reahanna, 11, Exeter, UK

A shopaholic-spender
A soft-talker
A insane-writer
A funny-player
A knowitall-thinker
A brother-killer
A chocolate-eater
A cough-n-sneezer
(June 2007)

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A footballer!

By Charlie, 11, Exeter, UK

A goal~keeper
A fan~cheerer
A brill~kicker
A boot~designer
A fortune~earner
A corny~player
A huge~diver
A sore~loser
Montgomery Primary School

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By Aaron, 11, Exeter, UK

A heavy~stamper
A water~squirter
A mudbath~bather
A trunk~waver
An ear~flapper
A mouse~fearer
A steady~plodder
A tail~swisher
(June 2007)

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My Baby Sister

By Dan, 10, Brighton, UK

My-favourite-toy breaker
Fizz-it-over coke shaker
Lick-the-spoon cake baker
It's-not-hers money taker
Crown-stealing princess faker
Early-in-the-morning waker
Never-ever could mistake her
My-great-big cuddle maker

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By Sarah, 9, Essex, UK

good listener
fast runner
quick typer
chocolate scoffer
puppy lover
evil sister
friend helper
lovely creator
nail polisher
fashion designer
(April 1007)

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By Jordan & Regan, 8, Bolton, UK

I'm a...
Jumpy jacker
Feet slapper
Big fliper
Rodent Ripper
Wild thinker
Eye winker
Road hazard
tall as a ladder
I'm a kangaroo
(March 2007)

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By Fiona, age 7, Our Lady Immaculate School, Tolworth, London, UK

A fine jumper
A fabulous singer
A great hopper
A green darter
A hot cruncher

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