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What is a kenning?

A kenning is "a concise compound or figurative phrase replacing a common noun". It comes from the Anglo Saxon era, where swords had names like "death-bringer" or "wound-maker". You can create a lovely "riddle poem" by describing something in different ways on the different lines.Start reading below.

Kids on the Net - the children's writing website celebrating 10 years online! - publishes many kennings from young writers all over the UK and the world. Explore those below and the links above. And why not check out all the rest of the chidlren's writing we publish? See What's New? and About Kids on the Net

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By Chelsea , 10, Bristol, UK

Spring starter,
Mountain sweeper,
Breath taker,
Bubble chaser,
Fast flower,
Silent miles,
Stone polisher
Sun's mirror,
Drink supplier,
Flow wanderer,
Route taker,
Bank breaker,
Meander maker,
Sea meeter,
Non-stop mover.
(November 2008)

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By Ashlea, 11, Essex, UK

Sugar on a stick,
Dentist's nightmare,
Candy swirl,
Tooth acher,
Mum's petrol!
Tooth rotter,
Child soother,
What flavour?
(October 2008)

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By Amy , 10, Llanyrafon

Meat eater,
Claw grabber,
Feet stomper,
Egg layer,
Air flyer,
Messy eater,
Teef cruncher,
Tree stealer.
(October 2008)

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Greyhound (Racing Dog)

By Aine , 12, Armagh, Northern Ireland

Springs out of the traps,
Chases the hare,
Lightning fast,
Full of muscles,
Very competitive.
(September 2008)

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By Aine , 12, Armagh, Northern Ireland

Fast runner,
Loud growler,
Four legged,
Soft toucher,
Slow swaying,
Quick pouncing.
(September 2008)

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By Rachel, 10, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, UK

People helper,
Life savers,
Uniform wearer,
Bandage repairers,
Injury helpers.
(September 2008)

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Who Am I?

By Chloe and Chloe, 9, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, UK

A practising singer,
A Ryan liker,
A reading lover,
A boyfriend lover,
A Sharpay hater,
A clever worker,
A homework writer,
A basketball watcher,
A book finder,
A romance finder.

(September 2008)

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A Girl

By Amiee, 9, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, UK

A boy lover,
A disco dancer,
A cuddly toy hugger,
A clothes shopper,
A dress wearer,
A jewellery maker,
An arm linker.
(September 2008)

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By Sunny, 11, London, UK

Meat eater,
Prey pouncer,
Fast runner,
Great hunter,
Horrible growler,
Family protector,
Orange colour.
(September 2008)

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By Celine, 10, Amlwch, Anglesey, Wales

A make up wearer,
A mascara lover,
A cool master,
A mirror carer,
An outfit maker,
A tv watcher,
A computer amazer.

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By Suzi, 11, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland

Pollution maker,
Holiday taker,
People carrier,
Bird barrier,
Two winged flyer,
Going higher,
Hangar dweller,
Bad smeller.
(September 2008)

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Who Am I ?

By Niamh, 11, Northen Ireland

I'm smelly with rubbish,
Paper with stains,
Water down the drain,
Black usually,
Somtimes white,
Compost and skins.

Answer-A Bin.
(September 2008)

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What Am I?

By Pascale, 11, Norwich, Norfolk, UK

What am I?

Meat eater,
Playful fighter,
Fast runner,
Loud roarer,
Tree climber,
Great jumper.

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What Am I?

By Connor, 11, Norwich, Norfolk, UK

Black as night,
Monkey eater,
Team workers,
Loud screecher,
Hairy creatures,
Bald bums,
Sharp teeth
(September 2008)

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What am I?

By Emily, 11, Norwich, Norfolk, UK

What am I?

Furry bear,
Slow walker,
Hairy furball,
Silent mouse,
Bamboo eater,
Food thinker.
(September 2008)

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The Lion

By Asa, 11, Norwich, Norfolk, UK

What am I ?
Meat tearer,
Sharp mover,
Angry monster,
Fast killer,
Deer eater,
Dark eyed,
Golden fur,
Blood looking fur,
Smoker teeth.
(September 2008)

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An Elephant

By Jordan, 10, Norwich, Norfolk, UK

What am I?

Nosey parker,
Tusk bringer,
No jumper,
Ear mover,
Tail flicker,
Four legged,
Weird noises.
(September 2008)

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The Lion

By Kezia, 11, Norwich, Norfolk, UK

Flesh eater,
Quiet stalker,
Golden wonder,
Plain ruler,
Mighty roarer,
Soft to touch,
What am I?
(September 2008)

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What Am I?

By Callum, 11, Norwich, Norfolk, UK

Fast runner,
Loud growler,
Four legged,
Soft toucher,
Slow swaying,
Quick pouncing.
A Dog.
(September 2008)

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What am I?

By Sam and Aaron, 11, Norwich, Norfolk, UK

Human screamer,
Slithering slider,
Tongue flicker,
Human killer,
Nasty biter,
Brilliant strangler,
Poison injector.
I am a snake.
(September 2008)

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By Fiona, age 7, Our Lady Immaculate School, Tolworth, London, UK

A fine jumper
A fabulous singer
A great hopper
A green darter
A hot cruncher

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