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What is a kenning?

A kenning is "a concise compound or figurative phrase replacing a common noun". It comes from the Anglo Saxon era, where swords had names like "death-bringer" or "wound-maker". You can create a lovely "riddle poem" by describing something in different ways on the different lines.Start reading below.

Kids on the Net - the children's writing website celebrating 10 years online! - publishes many kennings from young writers all over the UK and the world. Explore those below and the links above. And why not check out all the rest of the chidlren's writing we publish? See What's New? and About Kids on the Net

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Teacher Assistance

By Jabelyn, 9, Luton, UK

A teacher's helper,
A joyful singer,
A nice eater,
A mum lover,
Mum's daughter,
A heavy drinker,
A book changer,
A good cleaner.
(April 2009)

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By Finn, 9, Chippenham, UK

Night flyer,
Mouse eater,
Silent swooper,
Head twister,
Taloned taker.
(April 2009)

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I Will Pray For You

By Marinela, 12, London, UK

If you have a cold,
Or even worse the flu,
Then just tell me and,
I will pray for you.

If you have done a sin,
And it is stuck like glue,
Then just give me a call and,
I will pray for you.

If someone close has died,
Or another family issue,
As soon as I find out,
I will pray for you.

If you got into trouble,
That you can't undo,
Then with all my heart,
I will pray for you.

I hope one day when I am down,
Or simply feeling blue,
You will pray for me,
Just like I prayed for you.
(April 2009)

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Whale Kenning

By Victoria, 7, Ipswich, UK

Sea liver,
Plankton swallower,
Water blower,
Ocean traveller,
Flipper swimmer,
Massive mover.
(April 2009)

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My Pencil Case

By Daniel, 8, Ipswich, UK

Pen holder,
Calculator container,
Scissor sorter,
Zip swisher,
Thing settler.
(April 2009)

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The Cat

By Olivia, 7, Ipswich, UK

Milk licker,
Whisker flicker,
Meat chewer,
Furry hunter.
(April 2009)

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By Cameron, 8, Ipswich, UK

Fly trapper,
Tree crawler,
Sun seeker,
Skin scaler,
Crafty camouflager,
Beady-eyed hunter,
Four legged scamperer.
(April 2009)

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By Martha, 7, Bromley, Kent, UK

A cat chaser,
A poo leaver,
A noise maker,
A face licker,
A fetch carrier,
A tail wiggler,
A bone eater.
(April 2009)

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Darling Mummy

By Safiyyah, 8, Middlesex, UK

A house worker,
A children lover,
A family carer,
A super cooker,
A homework helper,
A clothes ironer,
A dishes cleaner,
A tea drinker,
A surprise maker,
A story teller,
A food shopper,
A dresses buyer,
A hair styler,
A phone speaker,
A school dropper,
A kid's feeder,
A bed tucker.
(March 2009)

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My Cat Safi

By Elle, 9, Newton-Le-Willows, UK

A bird killer,
A mouse hunter,
A sly hunter,
Soft fur,
Slinky tail,
Sharp teeth.
(March 2009)

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Japanese Killing Wasp

By Zach, 9, Burston, Norfolk, UK

A viscious killer,
A deathly stinger,
An ambitious knawer,
Brave destroyer,
Good deceiver,
A real scarer.
(March 2009)

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By Emer, 10, Lurgan, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland.

A Best Friend,
A Walk Lover,
A Stick Collector,
A Ball Finder,
A Loud Barker.
(March 2009)

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By Mai, 12, U.A.E Dubai

Tail chaser,
Dizzy racer,
Speedy runner,
Silent hunter,
Happy swimmer,
Doggy grinner,
Barking glower,
Wet-nosed howler.
(March 2009)

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A Penguin

By Chloe, 10, Rome ,Italy

A feet waddler,
A fish lover,
A tummy slider,
A great jumper,
A brilliant swimmer,
A breath holder,
A cold survivor,
A furry ball.
(February 2009)

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By Chantelle, 11, Medway, Kent, UK

A teeth barer,
A crazy glarer,
A tuna eater,
A cute starer,
A little howler,
A sweet tooth.
(February 2009)

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By Tamea, 9, Oldham, Greater Manchester, UK

A fantastic jumper,
A cheery chatterer,
A racing swimmer,
A friendly smiler,
A harmless wonder,
My favourite creature.
(February 2009)

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It's a Baby

By Oliver, 8, Singapore

A milk guzzler,
A happy chuckler,
A noisy screamer,
A heart breaker,
A smiling sausage,
A wind blower,
A puree vomiter,
An adorable angel,
My baby brother.
(February 2009)

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By Olivia , 10, Ireland

A ball of fur,
A sneaky spy,
A sleeping knot,
A catfood spiller,
A mouse killer,
A mild miaow.
(January 2009)

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By Nadeem, 9 , London, UK

A Trouble Maker,
A Cuddly Friend,
A Loud Growler,
A Fast Runner,
A Mouse Eater,
A Sharp Scratcher,
A Brave Climber,
A Hairy Creature,
A Fish Eater,
A Milk Drinker,
A Dog Hater,
A Meat Eater.
(January 2009)

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By Isabella, 7, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, UK

A smile giver,
A Thames walker,
A turquoise lover,
A shorts wearer,
A macaroni eater,
A juice slurper,
A golf player,
A sound sleeper.
(January 2009)

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By Fiona, age 7, Our Lady Immaculate School, Tolworth, London, UK

A fine jumper
A fabulous singer
A great hopper
A green darter
A hot cruncher

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Kids on the Net

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