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What is a kenning?

A kenning is "a concise compound or figurative phrase replacing a common noun". It comes from the Anglo Saxon era, where swords had names like "death-bringer" or "wound-maker". You can create a lovely "riddle poem" by describing something in different ways on the different lines.Start reading below.

Kids on the Net - the children's writing website celebrating 10 years online! - publishes many kennings from young writers all over the UK and the world. Explore those below and the links above. And why not check out all the rest of the chidlren's writing we publish? See What's New? and About Kids on the Net

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By Ben, Jack, James, 8, Wolverhampton, UK

Belly bomber
Fly cacher
Lays eggs
Belly Belcher
Fly fighter
Curly wurly tongue
(October 2003)

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By Jaspreet and Jack and Jack, 8, Wolverhampton

Ball smasher
Six hitter
Slow spinner
Ball wacker
Wicket taker
Ball catcher
Super hitter
Century maker
Super spinner
Ball thrower
Stump splitter
(October 2003)

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Fox kenning

By Matthew and Jack, 9, Wolverhampton, UK

Night creeper
Rabbit slayer
Bone crusher
Brushy tail
Red, white, orange flash
Clawed paws
Smelly breath
Mouth full of teeth
Day sleeper
Hound hater
Loud growler
(October 2003)

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By Charlotte, Ellie , Charlotte, 8, Wolverhampton, UK

Life saver
Siren sounder
Injured people carrier
Hospital helper
White speeder
Red light runner
Help giver
First aider
(October 2003)

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Penguin kenning

By Ellen, Samantha, 8, Wolverhampton, UK

Ice Waddler
Water plopper
Fish eater
Ice skimmer
Wierd dancer
Funny waddler
(October 2003)

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Dog kenning

By Emma , Joanne, 8, Wolverhampton, UK

Bone cruncher
Ball chaser
Lead puller
Slimmy eater
Litter picker
Expert sniffer
Cat chaser
Bird eater
Does not see colour
Bum sniffer
(October 2003)

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By Cameron, Jack, 9, Wolverhampton, UK

Ball breaker
Ball potter
Spots and stripes
Trophy taker
Foul taker
Safty shot
Getting snookered
Cue rester
Black potter
Ball roller
Triangle braker
(October 2003)

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Rabbit Kenning

By Kack + Nathan, 8-9, Wolverhampton.

Quick hopper
Dog teaser
Carrot eater
Speedy racer
Lettuce nibbler
High bouncer
Long ears
Hole liver
Nose twitcher
White whiskers
Strock lover
Huffer & puffer.
(October 2003)

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By Laura, 8, Wolverhampton, UK

Mud roller
Nose snorter
Slop eater
Tail curler
Dirt lover
Fat sweater
Lazy sleeper
Big squealer
Hairy flopper
Messy spitter
(October 2003)

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Mat Murry

By Mathew & Sam, 8, Wolverhampton, UK

Goal saver.
Goal kick taker.
Penalty saver.
Ball catcher.
Number 1.
Mad sweater.
Injury getter.
Mad saver.
Ball blocker.
(October 2003)

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By Charlotte, 9, Wolverhampton, UK

Small creature.
Big eater.
Poos a lot.
Wheel runner.
Ear scratcher.
Sleeps all day.
Funny runner.
Fat and Small.
Excellent Climber.
Smelly Creature.
Cute animal.
Cuddley Creature.
(October 2003)

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Kenning Milk Lapper

By Holly, 11, Notts., UK

Milk lapper,
Rat catcher,
Bird eater,
long sleeper.

Do you know who I AM?
(October 2003)

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Lion kenning

By Boris, 8, London, England

A meat catcher,
A hairy facer,
A scary roarer,
A fat giant,
A fast sneaker,
A very fat sleeper,
A good diver,
A good jumper,
A good swimmer,
A good eater.
(October 2003)
Read more kennings from Oliver Goldsmith Primary School, London, UK

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Goal keeper kenning

By Naema, 9, London, England

A good footballer,
A good tackler,
A good runner,
A good man,
And a good fan!
(October 2003)
Read more kennings from Oliver Goldsmith Primary School, London, UK

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Michael Owen kenning

By Raghav & Georgina, 9, Wolverhampton, UK

Super Striker
(May 2003)

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Dog kenning

By Jasmine and Mallika, 9, Wolverhampton, UK

race chaser
food taker
ball nicker
skin liker
bone lover
meat tearer
claw catcher
cat slapper
teddy biter
tail wagger
(May 2003)

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Dog Kenning

By Matt and Kirsty, 9, Wolverhampton, UK

(May 2003)

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By Fiona, age 7, Our Lady Immaculate School, Tolworth, London, UK

A fine jumper
A fabulous singer
A great hopper
A green darter
A hot cruncher

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