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Advice to young authors & illustrators

We asked lots of children's authors and illustrators for their top advice to young writers - you can read this only on Kids on the Net!

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Experian Big 3 Book Award

Wherever you live, enjoy this site created by Kids on the Net for Nottingham City Libraries annual Book Award. Book reviews, information about the shortlisted and prize-winning authors, and lots of games and activities. Includes What animal are you? Quiz, Inspired by Narinder Dhami's 2000-2001 winning "Animal Crackers" and created by children at a workshop in 2001. Also, Teeth & Dead Cats - a randomised story based on 2002-2003 book-prize-winning books.

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Adventures in Cyberspace

Pictures of Cyberspace, a Guide to the Internet (website reviews): a special story, Rainbow Web: when Jay woke up inside a computer, and a website for Gwen Grant.

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©2003-2011 Kids on the Net and the authors        Last revised 09-Jul-2011
Kids on the Net

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