There are many ways to write a book review.
To help you, here are some of the questions you could answer.
Does the story sound exciting and believable? Is it a story you
can get involved in?
Can you believe in the people in the story? Are you interested in
finding out about them? Can you picture individuals in your mind?
How do they get on with one another?
Good to Read
If you read a bit of the story, does it make you want to read more?
How do the characters talk to each other? Does it seem real?
Is it a good cover? Are the pictures inside interesting? Do they
make the story better? What is the printing like? Are the words
the right size, easy to read?
How many marks out of 10 would you give the book? Would you recommend
the book? What age of children do you think would enjoy it? Boys
and/or girls?
When you've read the book and made your
send us your book review

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