Do we have a say in making the
rules that
we live by today?
Citizens over 18 are each entitled to vote in both local and
national elections to elect the people (Member of Parliament
and Councillors) who will represent and speak for their whole
community in the councils and parliaments that make laws. What
can young people do when they are too young to vote?
Two projects here on Kids on the Net illustrate how young people
can think and act about the rules that we live by. Children from
St Augustine's Primary School created a Manifesto
for a new Millennium,
based on Manifesto 2000 in the International Year of Peace.
"The new millennium gives us the chance for a new beginning,
an opportunity to transform, all together,
the culture of war and violence to a culture of peace and non-violence"
Even children are often able to make their voices heard, in
school councils, and in local projects like the Experian Primary
Parliament in Nottingham.
All Nottingham primary schools are invited to take part in the
parliament. After several months of debate and preparation each
school choses a delegation of 8-11-year-olds to attend the Primary
Parliament day at the Council House in Nottingham. There is a
focus on topical debates between schools, which will hopefully
find new solutions to old problems, possibly leading on to policy
decisions by the Council.
Links to other projects that give children a say in their community
Hammersmith & Fulham
Children's Parliament on the Environment 2002
The International Youth Parliament
European Youth Parliament
Can you tell us about any other interesting sites where children
have their say?

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