The MGB Visitors'
If you
would like to contribute to our visitors' book, please email
e d i t o r @ m g b s c h o o l . c o m
From Rownak Choudhury
Sad to see the place go. Had a lot of
cool times at Glen Bott, (1993-1998) year 9 was probably the best
year…although it’s kind of cringing thinking about what
was important in those days compared to stuff now. Still, Glen Bott
sent me on my way to graduating at Liverpool in Philosophy and am
now a civil servant at the Home Office. Let me say a big hello to
all the teachers from back in the day, especially Mrs Williscroft
(otherwise known as surrogate mother!) and Mr McArthur (just for
being cool). Let me also add my apologies to the kid we all used
to call “beaver boy”…probably scarred him for
Merseyside (December 2004)
From Rajni
Hey 2 all my friends, I am missing my
friends so much especially Rani because she doesn't go 2 the school
I go 2. I will also miss my friend Fatin cause she is going back
to Malaysia next week and I am gonna miss her especially when she
isn't coming back ever.
I remember when I ate flapjack and I went hyper and then afterwards I would feed the seagulls and when they started eating, I would scream and they would fly away and I've always done that. I also remember when I would do that wolf laugh and Rani used to love that, blackcurrant would make Amanda go hyper and she was mental but we all had loads of fun.
I can never forget MGB ever, even when I am really happy, I always no matter what feel really sad that the school has closed down, sometimes I would feel like crying if I am maybe having a not so good time at Bluecoat, I would remember MGB and my friends and teachers and the beautiful atmosphere.
I hope MGB is doing good and none of the Y7s are trashing the school. I hope everyone is ok right now! Good luck to MGB!!!
From Salma
I will miss this school because of my mates who I used to be with. We had the most fun anyone could have. Their names are Afeefa, Mediha, Arzoo, Maimoona, Anisha, Naz, Ambreen and Kiran. Big up to them if they read this message.
From Gessa Sugiyarto
Critics may have their own crazy reason to disagree when I say this is the best school ever. But to me, it is. I came to MGB in year 7 and stayed all the way until year 11. That’s a grand total of 5 years that I spent in one place. For someone from a family who is constantly moving from one country to another (even from one continent to another), that, itself, is an achievement! I remember Ms Shaw, who taught me History in year 7 and 8. I hated it. Not her - just the subject. I remember Miss Tait who taught me French in year 9. I loved that, both the subject and her. She had a way of even getting the ‘naughty kids’ to do her homeworks. I remember Mrs Williscroft who, every morning in registration, was practically crawling on the floor, looking under tables for boys who had trainers on instead of their shoes. Guys in my form would remember that too. I’d like to thank Mr Nijran my science teacher. All those times you lectured us at the beginning of class… I finally get why. To Ms Caywood my textiles teacher; thank you for being so patient with me; with the whole coursework thing. I think if I was you, and I had a student like me, I would’ve lost all my hair! To Miss Byrne my maths teacher; thank you for your constant guidance in, what some would say, a very hard subject. Sorry i didn't get the A*. To Miss Monk my art teacher; art lessons were wicked. Such a needed breather from all those chemicals or equations to remember and essays to write. Thanks for being a friend to us and not just ‘some teacher’. And to Miss Cheston my English teacher. I don’t know what to say really, except maybe that we, at 11set1 English all love you. You made English lessons enjoyable even with all those essay courseworks we had to do. I’d say year 10 and 11 was definitely the best. By that time you’d have had the chance to get to know a group of people well. And because of that ‘interesting’ things happen. Girls fighting over the same guy, guys fighting over the same girls. All that is very exciting – that is, until it happens to you... My year group was amazing. I loved Hagg Farm. We had so much fun together. Aidan and Tez who we all love and will always remember. Amy Hills, Kimberley Newman, Selina Sammi, and Umera Salim; gosh, I’m so blessed and thankful to have met you guys. I wouldnt have made it without you guys. As for everyone else in my year, don’t think that I have forgotten just because I haven’t mentioned you each individually. Good Luck to you all in everything that you do. Just make sure in future, if you ever see me in a club, on the bus, doing my grocery shopping or maybe at Uni (?) you say hello, ok? Well that’s it from me. I’m officially signing off. Take Care everybody. Chow.
Yr11 in 2003
From Nassima
I still can't believe the school has shut down, I remember when I used to hate the school but that's probably because I was a annoying teenager! I thank ALL the teachers for their help over the years - I really did appreciate it even if I didn't always show it. I would like to give a special thanks to Miss Bloor, who has been there for me through the good times and bad, so THANKS! I want all my friends to know that I will miss them deeply, we've had our ups and downs and now we've learned from it, at least these "fallouts" have made us a better person. So thanks everyone and bye.
From Afeefa
I miss my frends because they were for me in my good and bad times and miss my school as well coz I think it was the best school. I really enjoyed my 3 years in Margaret Glen-Bott. I had a good time withe the teachers especially Miss Hatfield, Mr Tuck, Mr Burd, Ms Cheston, Mrs Prosser. They were really safe and I wish them the best for the future.
Lenton, Nottingham
From Nafeesa
MGB School was the best thanx to all my frends and teachers. I will never forget the first day I attended there... and the day I had to leave... Thanx to the teachers who put more confidence in me than in my new school I am attending to be a senior student. No school can beat MGB!! I would like to say goodbye to all those teachers and my friends!!
From Martin Shelton
Was at the Final Fling Picnic, not many of my year here but still enjoyed looking around the 'old girl'. They have taken away a great school from us but they can't take away the memories!.
From Nassima Choudhury
I just like to say good luck to everyone with whatever you wish to do! luv Nassima
From Mehul Desai
Time heals all wounds.
Left MGB 1998, now business analyst.
From Maryjane Worthington
The Final Fling Picnic - I was here,
shame nobody else from my year was. If you know me get in touch!
(Now a housewife with three children.)
From Jackie Kilpatrick (nee Ellerton)
Well, what can I say now MGB is about
to finish, cease and ultimately be no more, except that it was great
to be a part of it. It must be all of 38 years since I left and
the happy memories are still fresh to this day. Long may the memories
Arnold, Nottingham
From Sue Byrne
Thank you for 15 interesting and eventful years. MGB was never boring!
Maths teacher 1989-2004, now working freelance.
From Helen Whitehead
Best wishes for the future to all staff, former staff, students and former students of Margaret Glen-Bott. It has been great working with you all!
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Thanks to Sue Byrne & Rachel Phelps at MGB for inspiration
and Bob McArthur for helping with writing facilitation
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& Concept by Helen Whitehead for Kids
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to develop their potential, their ambition, their creativity and
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