The MGB Quilt 2004

About this site

The idea for the website came from a wish to recognise the achievements of the Margaret Glen-Bott School, both students and staff. When the school faced closure in 2004 it was necessary to maintain a positive dynamic in order to survive the final months. To this end a pantomime was written called “Botty Glen Lives On” performed by current staff. The story told of a glen which was to be taken over by a nearby glen, the Blue Glen. The people of Botty Glen were given notice to quit and they had to find other Glens or Woods to go to at short notice. Before the end of the panto the people of Botty Glen decided to keep in touch through a website in cyberspace maintained by Prince Eavesdropping (Ms Cheston) and Umbrella (Ms Bloor), the happy couple, hence the birth of

The exploration of Feelings, Facts and Friends in relation to a closing community is one which many people will identify with and many will have had to face. Through the medium of writing and the ability to cover vast spaces, the net is providing us with a vehicle to open doors and windows, which are needed in order to move on to new schools, early retirement and other pursuits.

Hopefully contributions from across the globe will be forthcoming to enrich the appeal of this project. Selected pages from the website will form a book which will be presented to current staff and students as a permanent record of MGB’s memories.

(Sue Byrne, March 2004)


Facts - Friends - Feelings

    • Can you remember your first day at Margaret Glen-Bott?

    • What was the funniest thing that happened during your time at MGB?

    • Do you remember an event which happened at MGB?

    • Who do you remember from MGB?

To the Contribution form

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Home ][ Visitors' Book

Who was Margaret Glen-Bott? ][ Evening Post article



Thanks to Sue Byrne & Rachael Phelps at MGB for inspiration
and Bob McArthur for helping with writing facilitation

Web Design & Concept by Helen Whitehead for Kids on the Net

Supported by
working with

©2004 the authors and Creative Partnerships Nottingham
