MGB has played a huge part in my life. Five years as a pupil and just under 5 months as a member of staff. It's strange coming back after nearly 3 years of leaving, seeing some familiar faces and a few new ones. Some of the members of staff who I didn’t get on with as a student, or made fun of in class seem to be totally different now I'm working with them. It's also strange seeing the school so empty during lessons and at break times. Some of the best memories I have about MGB usually involve getting into trouble or messing about in lessons and I feel more upset about the school closing from being a student here rather than a member of staff, maybe because I spent more time as a pupil? I'm not really a man of many words so I would like to wrap it up by thanking all the members of staff and students for making my time as a pupil, and my brief time as a member of staff here something to look back on and smile. Long live the memory of MGB.
Ian Newman.
Ian Newman