Planet: Unknown
Date: 3847
Suddenly they were
hurtled into a transporting beam and there was a huge flash. The time
clock started going forwards lots of centuries and they were thrown into
an unknown galaxy. They seemed to be thrown on to the ground of an unknown
planet. They looked around. They found that they were on a strange orange
planet. Suddenly they heard a squelch and turned…
no!" exclaimed Pazaz. They were staring straight into the eyes of Captain
"Well, well! Fancy
seeing you in a place like this," he slurped. "Take them away!"
Two orange, spiky-shelled
snails appeared out of the gloom.
"Oh no you don't,"
Proddle pulled out his freezomatic and started shooting rocks with it.
The snails froze and their shells cracked as Proddle had shot them too.
"You won't get away
with that!" croaked Captain Slug, and he zapped the rocks with his laser.
They were surrounded.
About a thousand new armoured snails came from the orange mist.
Daisy felt something
touch her arm, she saw another Pinkerellian.
"Who are you?" she
asked. The Pinkerellian seemed to transform.
"I am Captain Slug!"
and with that he grabbed her and took her away.
Captain Pinash was
the first to realise Daisy was missing. "Where is Daisy?" he asked.
"I'm not sure,"
replied Proddle.
"I think we should
go and look for her," suggested Pazaz.
So they went looking
for her with the scanomatic.
"She's 1394 steps
North," Pazaz told them.
"OK, let's go,"
replied Captain Pinash.
Later they came
to the opening of a tunnel.
"Still 256 more
steps," heaved Pazaz.
Meanwhile, Daisy
had been put into a stronghold. Armed snails guarded Daisy. She looked
around. She seemed to be alone, apart from Captain Slug staring in at
her. She felt something touch her arm…
She turned around,
she saw a creature -- something orange, something small. The creature
was crying.
"Help," it wept.
"I am a prisoner of Captain Slug and I used to be a Pinkerellian. My name
is Petunia. Please help."
So when Daisy saw
those weeping, teary eyes she had to give in.
"We must find a
way out of here, and fast," Daisy whispered (because Captain Slug was
watching over them).
At the end of the
tunnel Captain Pinash, Pazaz and Proddle saw a gigantic snail shell ahead
of them. It was surrounded by hordes of orange snails and there were huge
laser cannons parked nearby. Pazaz realised that this must be where Daisy
was kept because the number on the scanomatic was a single digit.
"Now what?" asked
Proddle angrily. "What are we supposed to do now?"
"I know," replied
Captain Pinash. "Why don't we use our trusty freezomatic, Pazaz?"
"Good idea, why
didn't I think of that earlier?"
Pazaz loaded the
freezomatic and was about to fire when he let out a loud yelp as he stepped
on a sharp stone. The snails noticed them and started charging. Pazaz
fired and froze three snails, the three Pinkerellians started running
and firing.
In the meantime
Daisy and Petunia had worked out that the snail's shell that they were
imprisoned in had weak walls. They started kicking the sides until they
had broken through.
By that time Captain
Pinash, Pazaz and Proddle had frozen all of the snails. They started to
run, but Captain Slug appeared.
Daisy had a good
idea: "Salt!" she cried excitedly…

Cheltenham Festival of Literature 1999
last amended 6th October 1999