"Salt!" cried Daisy.
"Salt? What do you
mean, salt? What is salt?" puzzled Petunia. "Oh you mean the slug dissolver!"
Daisy reached into
her pocket and pulled out a small blue tub of salt. She always carried
it around with her for good luck. They started to run and Captain Slug
came slithering after them, until they reached the wall of the shell -
they were cornered!
"Don't move!" shouted
Slug, holding up his gun. Daisy pulled off the lid of the tub and hurled
salt at the Slug's back.
"Aargh!" screamed
Captain Slug. "I'm melting!" The next minute he was a pool of slime.
"Quick! This way.
Follow me!" It was Pinash. They all followed and eventually stumbled across
the most extraordinary room.
"I've never seen
such a place!" exclaimed Daisy. "What is it?" she asked curiously.
"It's Captain Slug's
invention hall," replied Petunia, she seemed strangely familiar with the
room. A large device loomed in the darkness.
"Oh no!" exclaimed
Pinash. "Captain Slug's cloning machine - the Copyo Cloner! I forgot he
had it. There must be millions of Captain Slugs by now!" As Daisy walked
past the Copyo Cloner Petunia silently pressed an orange button.
Quickly they raced
to the pink spaceship and prepared to leave for Pinkerello. As they flew
back for the competition, there ahead of them...the Slimy Terror! Who
would get there first?
In the window of
the Slimy Terror, Petunia could see -- an exact replica of Daisy! Petunia
smiled, secretly.
Lights flashed on
Pinash's control panel. "Petunia, tell me how you were captured by Captain
Slug," asked Pinash.
"Er...I was captured
as a child when a Pinkerellian ship was intercepted," explained Petunia.
"So why is it that
my Scanomatic Machine shows you to be a slug??" announced Pinash.
Suddenly Petunia
turned into a slug with a ray gun in its hand.
"How did you know
that I was Captain Slug's daughter?"
There was a stunned
"She's getting away!"
shouted Pazaz.
"ZZZZZZ!" A ray
gun fired. Daisy had shot Petunia.
"We're here!" announced
Pinash as he stepped from the spaceship onto the pink planet of Pinkerello.
Daisy was astounded. Everything, every building, every river, every tree,
was pink.
"Wow, it's just
so pink!" exclaimed Daisy.
"Ah, it's so beautiful,"
stuttered Pinash.
The four of them
jumped into a hover speeder, and headed for the competition at over 300
pinks per hour, (that's 80 miles per hour to us). Soon, a large building
loomed over them, quite similar to a football ground.
"That's it!" said
Pazaz, "the Rose Cup venue."
A door opened and
they sped inside. They grabbed an order list, and saw they were number
24. Suddenly, a voice boomed. "Could number 23 from Yellowarelid please
come into the ring."
"Eh? We're next!"
exclaimed Proddle.
"Yes, we obviously
must be," said Daisy quietly. They thought they would be all right, but
then they saw Captain Slug smiling quietly in the corner....
"Um, Daisy, you're
over there as well!" said Pazaz confused.
"What on earth...How
did Slug get me copied!" shouted Daisy.
"Unless…" said Pinash.
"Why are you looking
at me like that!" questioned Daisy.
"You can't be a

Cheltenham Festival of Literature 1999
last amended 28th September 1999