Randwick C E Primary School
"What?" yelled Petunia.
"Salt, it makes slugs
shrivel up and die."
Daisy got some salt
out from her pocket (Cook had sent her into the kitchen garden with this
to kill the slugs), and threw it at Captain Slug, but the evil Captain
dodged it.
"Ha ha, I'm too quick
for you!" Captain Slug chuckled.
A baby Pinkerellian
that had stowed away in a duct vent appeared through the air conditioning
system and shouted "They're behind you."
"Quick!" shouted
Captain Pinash, "into the ship."
Captain Pinash, Proddle,
Pazaz, Petunia, Daisy and the baby Pinkerellian, all dashed into the Pinkerellian
spaceship. Captain Pinash pressed a fluorescent pink button. The spaceship
darted into the orange atmosphere and beyond. The pink fumes filled the
starlit galaxy behind them.
starship Pinkerprise was being hotly pursued by Captain Slug's ship, the
Slimy Terror. On the screen came a picture of Captain Slug and his assistants;
Zephragog, Spike Shell and Captain Slug's first mate, Snillvix.
"Urrr, Captain Slug's
officers are so revolting, they are truly repulsive!" Petunia exclaimed
"I feel sick, I want
to go home," Daisy moaned.
"But you can't feel
sick, you're a machine!" disagreed Proddle.
"No I am not! I am
a real live human being!" Daisy shouted unhappily.
"But we studied you
for a week, you tidied when you were told to, you….."
"What are you saying?
I'm not a machine, I have feelings, I eat, I breathe, I drink, I make
decisions and I sleep, so I am not a robot or a machine!"
"I want to go home,
I want to go to the party!"
"There's no going
back, you're stuck here now," replied the little Pinkerellian cheekily.
Daisy squealed and
screamed and went into a temper.
"Oh, OK!" Captain
Pinash sighed, and pressed a rose pink button.
Just then zunk, clunck,
plink, plonk, whirr ... the starship Pinkerprize stopped dead.
"Oh dear we seem
to have a problem," he cried as the Pinkerprize sped downwards.
"Grab on to something
everyone," cried Proddle. "Quick!"
Down, down , down
sped the spaceship. Down, down, down until finally ... flump, the Pinkerprize
landed with a thump and its nose was embedded in the ground.
Captain Pinash looked
at his locator and on the screen were the words Wyoming, USA, Earth, Milky
Way, Jurassic Period, Mesozoic Era.
Cautiously they went
out and no sooner had they done so than they nearly bumped into a great
tree trunk. The tree was joined to a large grey body and the body had
three other trees sprouting from it and from the back a long tail hung
and out of the front a head was attached to a long neck. It was a colossal,
huge, gigantic, terrifying and totally horrifying monster.
Captain Pinash shouted:
"Fetch the Shrink-o-matic then we can take this back and maybe trade it
for another invention!"
"Maybe to a 20th-century
scientist," said Proddle.
"Or to Captain Slug
to stop him chasing Daisy," commented Plink.
Pazaz aimed the shrink-o-matic
and -- Zap -- the dinosaur was knee high, as cuddly as a retriever.

Cheltenham Festival of Literature 1999
last amended 28th September 1999