Feelings: Showtime
Over the two and a half years at MGB I have had the privlege to work with some of the most creative students and staff of my career. The most memorable have been the Chinese Garden we created in Room 18 with Yr 7 in Feb 2002. We had a storyteller and visiting primary schools watched and listened as we performed for them. That same year the whole of Yr 7 worked with a theatre company and made a play in two days. Clever lot! They performed to their parents. Another group performed a play called 'Drummaker' to many of our primary schools. I was most proud when a small group of year 7 pupils (2003) took part in Nottingham Schools Showcase presenting their very own version of Harry Potter. Everyone thought the group were fantastic. Finally everyones favourite how could I ever forget it...the staff panto! The teachers here are such a talented lot and everyone pulled together to make it a memorable and hilarious performance. I will miss the good times.
Rachael Phelps
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