Having been at the school for a long time I have so many memories of the many events which have taken place. What can I write about -
- sports days and the strawberry teas
- the first two pantomimes and the birth of Botty Glen
- the drama production - Kicking Out
- trips to the centre for Alternative Technology or Hagg Farm
All of these were fabulous but for me the most memorable were two which were organised by the pupils themselves.
The first was when we had our school hall filled with some of the ladies and children from our Asian families. They came to see a play, in Urdu, written by one of our pupils - Nazia Bi. This was a fabulous event, even though I couldn't understand a word! To see so many people really enjoying themselves was wonderful.
The second event was the Asian Fashion Show. Our Year 10 girls got Helen Toft and myself, along with some other members of staff to help. They were the driving force for an evening of Asian Fashion. The latest designs were lent to us by one of the leading Fashion Houses in Leicester and the girls modelled them. The whole evening was rounded off by an exhibition of Asian dance - again organised by the girls.
These are two wonderful memories for me to take away with me - and by the way Saddia - I still haven't forgiven you for the April Fool!!
Goodbye MGB - I - shall really miss you.
Avi Benn