When we were at Alton Towers she went
on the water rapids with me, Matthew, Sharon, Navdeep and his
mum. Everyone got soaked but luckily I only had a bit of water
go on me.
So then to all the teachers I would
like to say thank you for all the help you have given me in the
past and I would also like to give all my friends a big thank
you for being there for me when I needed them. So to everyone
at MGB good luck and all the best for the future no matter what
you do just try your best.
Year 11, 2004
Next year I am going to People's College to study child care and
education if I get my 5 A-C GCSEs. Then I am going to go to University
and then hopefully get a job in teaching the 5 to 11 year old
school kids.