Feelings: Naughty Girl


I feel so sad by the news that MGB is closing. I was by my own admission a very naughty girl. Certain teachers never gave up on me and for that I will be eternally grateful. I was a very angry teenager,and did not care very much about anything. (Apart from boys, parties, going down town - What an existence.)
I was always being told that "You are an intelligent girl - why?" For which I had no answer. Boys and parties came and went and were not that fulfilling.

Big Bob McArthur probably needs to take the credit for my life-long love of literature, Mrs Freestone for my love of sport, Miss Ridge for showing me how a young lady should behave, and how attractive it is being clever. (Plus Kameljit and I once saw you snogging your future husband on Derby Rd - and did not tell anyone.!!!) For taking us to France and showing us life beyond Radford (in my case).

Mrs Topham I gave you hell, but we had a fantastic relationship after we sorted it all out - I still speak Spanish now and think of you.
Mrs Lawson - for being a great girly pal.
Miss Edwards - telling me I was intelligent. A compliment from you meant something.!!!
Mr Mee - I was awful... but I am okay now... Thanks to you !!
Mr Woods - History...My friend

MGB means so much to me. One of the first things I did when my husband and I announced we were getting married was take him to see my school. -- Sad or what?

Margaret Carey

Left MGB 1986. Living in Glasgow - studied Human Resource Management (BA) then did post-graduate in IT and am now studying law. Working as a project manager - for guess what... Naughty Kids....

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