Friends: Teachers


I remember the 4 years I spent at MGB. We had names for the staff: there was Brassneck Broughton/Harold Hare/Concorde Edwards/Sammy Seddon/Skinhead Mee/Psycho Nicholson - the music teacher was Miss Watts, she was scary. I also remember hanging off the wall bars, Mr Mee twisting our sideburns up and down - but we deserved it. I remember a lad named Dave who had his blazer hung up in the cloakroom while he was still wearing it until someone got him down! Yes I did enjoy MGB and what memories it has for me. Sadly some of my classmates are not alive to see this sad day.

RIP Tim Staton, Rob Burez, Phil Iliffe, and Steve Kerry

Paul Brinklow

Left MGB 1970. Club manager

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