MGB holds great memories for me - particularly as it was my first teaching post. In particular, a huge thanks to the then PE staff for leading me down the right (if not always entirely sane) path, namely, Tony Henson, Ann Lomas and Janet Freestone, not forgetting, later, Pete Leigh.
The management team was also fantastic with Chris Edwards acting Head along with Dave Harding and Terry Beaumont, and again later, Sheila Hobden.
The rest of the staff (too many to mention individually) were fantastic to work with and great to see that some are still there after all these years.
The students too were excellent, many of whom I enjoy reading about in Friends Reunited. All in all, a great school which I am sad to see close.
Best Wishes to all staff and students both past and present.
Jon Jenkins
Still teaching PE at the same school after leaving Margaret Glen Bott in January 1985