Feelings: Au Revoir and not Goodbye


Memories of MGB are still fresh, especially from that first schoolday, when as a Radford lass, I entered the sacred portals of a 'posh' Wollaton school, and departed from it, tearfully, as a teenager in June 1966. Having been filled with the 'local knowledge' that this school had a formidable Headmistress, Miss Lovatt - a strong disciplinarian but sound educator, who, as her staff, donned their graduation gowns whilst teaching - I formed pretty strong images in my eleven year old mind.

But the inital fears proved groundless, as I found I enjoyed the School's atmosphere and gained empathy with the likes of Mr Edinburgh (history), Mr Wood, Mr Green (art) and found a PE department (Miss Turley, Chris Ferguson and Mr Mee to name a few) prepared to give so much of their time. Whilst the former provided a good grounding in attaining knowledge, the latter were always willing to escape from their beds early to undertake an 8.00am relay.

The girls team, of which I was a part, were so glad we won and in setting a new record, felt we'd done them proud. Reciprocation works! Yep, it was not so bad. Thanks too for the laughs. Mr Williams testing a stool in the Biology room for gravitational pull....uuummm.

And to Miss Moisture's understanding at our need to resurrect the flora and fauna that had come adrift on its tour of the room. Sellotape seemed such a good idea to repair the torn leaves, even though they were, as it turned out, torn anyway. Well, to wind down, glad I don't have to wear a pillow case to dance anymore or those awful baggy grey bloomers.... But thanks for introducing me to my pals, who still remain my pals.

Jackie Kilpatrick (nee Ellerton)

Arnold, Nottingham
Left MGB 1966. Supervisor for the Social Services in Nottm & proud possessor of two degrees. Happily married to George with two grown up children and now a trainee Grannie.

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