I remember my first day at MGB waiting outside feeling very lonely standing next to another girl who was also lonely it turned out that neither of us knew many other students so we introduced ourselves, her name was Jennifer Brown and we went on to be good friends.
I used to hang around with Sharon Lamb, Deborah Bunn, Faye Parkin, Susan Dooley, and many others whose names escape me (sorry it's an age thing!).
I have a vivid memory of Miss Edwards spotting me in the dinner queue and seeing my nail varnish and sending me to the Science Lab to remove it with some strange smelling liquid! I never wore it to school again after that.
I have happy memories of cross country running around Wollaton Park, where me and a few others used to hide at the top near the hall and wait until the rest came back and then re-join them, we didn't get away with it for long when Ms Lomas found us!
My sister also went to MGB between 1966 - 1970: her name was Diane Field.
We are both coming along to the Final Fling so see you there.
Deborah Graham (nee Field)
Left MGB 1975. I am married with a daughter aged 15, having lived in Nottingham all of my life. I am a Civil Servant.