Feelings: Veera at MGB

I came to MGB in the year 2002 in September. It was a jolly good time when I came into the school. I was scared because I didn't know where to go when I had lessons but a few people helped me so I was ok. I remember a lot of people at MGB, especially in my year. Many good events happened in MGB when I was there. When I found out that the school was closing, I was so sad because I had just got used to the school by then and I was very happy. MGB is a good school.

I liked the pantomime that was performed by most of the teachers. I especially liked Ms Byrne and Miss Hardwick as the two ugly sisters and Mr Philips and Mr Nijran as the Men in Black. It amused a lot of people. It amused me too. At least they were having fun for once. I am so sorry about MGB closing down and I hope all the MGB people do well in the future and get settled in well. I will miss MGB.

I am really sad that the school is closing down. I didn't want it to close down. MGB is an unforgettable school.

I remember doing the Harry Potter performance with the rest of the group like Katie, Liam, Michaal and the other people. It was scary when I actually did it at the Sandfield centre but it went alright.

I remember me and my friends in the playground when we used to feed the birds flapjack and then we screamed at the birds to fight them away. That was good. My form Tutor was Mr Burd (Tweet Tweet). He was funny at times.

I miss everybody at MGB. I'll never forget all the help you gave me, especially my form group. So to everyone at MGB, good luck to the future and I hope you all do well in your new school. THANK YOU MGB AND BYE!!!!!!!!


I am in Bluecoat and I am working hard here. My favourite subject here is IT.

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