Friends: Where do I start?...
At the beginning... I and many of my peers were transferred from the then Radford Boulevard school to the brand new M.G.B... The first day we arrived we were sent home again because there was a problem with the heating... The playground then was at the front L.H. side of the school, as there were parts of the school not finished.
Teachers I remember were Miss Loebl, who was indeed a very good English teacher... Miss Bush (maths), Mr Green (art). All presided over by the formidable Miss Lovatt who was on another planet, and her no.2... Mr Dyson... affectionately known as 'Daddy Dyson'...
There was an excellent Drama class,and I remember being in 'The Tempest' and 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.
I remember the school uniform & badge was voted on by the pupils... I was on the first school photo, and would dearly love a copy.
I am sorry and not a little surprised that the school is to close. The standard of education in my day at least was very high. I represented the school at the City sports, and played a couple of games (in goal) at football... I left Nottm almost 30 years ago, but have fond memories of the school, and many of my classmates... 'Wag' Whiley, Vic Adderton, Josie Greenberg, Carol Peck, Pam Swaby, John Cordon, Mick Bullimore, the list seems endless, even after 46 years! I would love to hear from any of them. Best Wishes to you and all Glen Bottians!...Pete.......'
Pete Savage
Peterborough, Cambs.
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