Facts: One of the first...

I was amongst the first influx of kids into MGB. I remember having to wear a garish blue blazer with endless red/white and blue taping around the lapels and jacket bottom and a silly hat and tie too. Every morning I had to run the gauntlet of my mates going to Radford Boulevard School in jeans and casual jackets.

Although I have not seen any of them for years the following were amongst my classmates: Mick Seaton, Michael Storey, Liz Scattergood, Harry Clemts, Janet Savage, Christine Turner, Josephine Brady, Mick Boothright, Coralie Titterly, Trevor Rawlingson, Dereck Jackson. I remember Mr Dyson - English, Miss Chew - drama, Mr Green - art.

I took part in two Shakespeare productions. I played Snug in A Midsummer Night's Dream and Caliban in The Tempest. The opening night of The Tempest was delayed because I was messing about in full makeup when I ran into the handle of one of the gym changing room doors and was concussed. I also remeber one very embarrassing evening when Mick Seaton, Dereck Jackson and myself had to sing the oratorio from Don Giovanni in front of the hall full of parents. I don't know who was most embarrassed, me or my Mum.

For a long time there was a painting of mine in the reception area of two knights in armour jousting. Terry (Tubby) Hallam

Terry Hallam

Eastwood, Notts
I am now retired after a life in the mining and construction industries.

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