Throughout my years at MGB I found it hard to remember where the rooms were ... it's such a big place! I was small and shy back then (I'm not small and shy now!!LOL). I made some friends throughout my time there I still hear from Cathy Amos. I remember the cross-country, where (being asthmatic) I used to lag behind. Cathy and I would go back to my house which was very near school and get back in time as everyone had finished!! I did like Physics with Mr Illet and Biology with Mr Alexander. We had Mrs Gleaves for English as well as Mr Allcock. I saw Mrs Gleaves a few years ago; she was teaching at Our Lady's Catholic School where my children go. She hadn't changed! Reading the other children's thoughts about the school now is lovely that they love the school.
Rachel Salmon
Left MGB 1980. I qualified as a nursery nurse and was a nanny to 4 children. I'm now a housewife, married with 3 boys 21,11 & 8!