Date: Prehistoric
- 1870
Captain Pinash bent
over to the little creature and in the quietest voice whispered, "Boo!"
The frightened dinosaur
sped away.
"That's taken care
of, " sighed Captain Pinash.
Daisy was crying
by now. "I want to go home!!" she screamed.
Captain Pinash still
wasn't listening. She stomped up behind him, snatched the Shrink-O-Matic
from his hand, and flipped the switch. Now it was an Enlarge-O-Matic.
She aimed it directly at his forehead, "If you don't want an oversized
watermelon head, I suggest you get me home."
"Okay, let's get
Petunia," he said as he headed back to the ship. She turned around to
grab Petunia's hand , but there was no hand to grab. Petunia was gone!
Daisy was so irritated.
All she wanted to do was to go home.
Proddle, Pazaz,
Captain Pinash, and Daisy went to look for Petunia. They found some diamonds,
phosphorus, and some sodium chloride in a cave nearby. Pazaz grabbed some
for his pockets.
That cave just happened
to be a den that belonged to a family of fire-breathing dinosaurs. Right
in front of Daisy, and the group were four baby dinosaurs playing while
their parents slept. When one baby noticed they had company, Captain froze
and asked in a whisper, " Hand me the Shrink-O-Matic."
Daisy handed it to
him. He fired four shots.
"Direct hits!" Daisy
called reassuringly. But to her amazement the shots made the dinosaurs
BIGGER not smaller!
Pazaz and Pinash
glared at her in the meanist way. "Oops..." Daisy said, remembering that
she didn't flip the switch back to the Shrink-O-Matic side.
Thinking quickly,
Pinash flipped the switch to Shrink-O-Matic and fired eight shots to make
the dinosaurs smaller. The noise woke the parents. They were furious when
they saw the intruders. They began to blow fire through their giant nostrils
towards Pazaz. He just barely got out of the cave.
The blaze skimmed
his loaded back pocket creating an explosion. The explosion caused Pazaz
to fly over Proddle's head and across the feet of Daisy and Captain Pinash. Captain
Realizing that the
things they found in the cave were explosive when mixed together, Daisy's
group threw some at the dinosaurs. The parents tried to stop it with their
fiery breath. It made a huge explosion, knocking them unconscious. Petunia
crept out from her hiding place, scared to death.
"Where were you?"
asked Daisy.
"I wandered off
and the next thing I knew I was in the den of fire-breathing dinosaurs!"
answered Petunia.
They all ran back
to the ship. Captain
Pinash repaired the ship and they took off.
He put the ship on
automatic pilot with Pazaz in charge so that he could go work on two inventions
he had been thinking about for some time now. One new machine was necessary
to spray the sodium chloride onto the unreachable Captain Slug and all
of his sluggards. He came up with the idea of a lever that would heave
the salt onto the slugs.
The next invention
was a Nice-O-Matic. This would be a present for Daisy when they dropped
her back home to take care of that mean ole Cook she was always complaining

The ship jerked to
a stop. As the doors opened they were greeted by Captain Slug and all
of his supporters. Without leaving the ship, the crew catapulted a continuous
volley of salt (sodium chloride) until they were sure of victory. They
closed the door and headed for Daisy's home.
When they were about
to drop Daisy off, the three Ps presented her with a present. Daisy was
sure that her life would be wonderful now. Who knows who else she would
be able to use it on! Thinking of world peace, she hugged her new friends
and started out of the ship looking a little more fat than they had remembered.
They shifted the gears and started shooting off into space towards the
competition area. Oh, how they wanted that Rose Cup!
The Pinkerellians
peered through the windows to say one last farewell to Daisy. Imagine
their surprise when they saw her carrying Petunia on her shoulders into
her house!
Cheltenham Festival of Literature 1999
last amended 6th October 1999