This guide to writing
a web page has been produced by Michael, 15, of Nottingham, UK,
as part of his Silver Duke of Edinburgh's Award
How to make a web page
To make a web site in notepad using HTML you need to use a series
of tags.
To put the document in an HTML format you use HTML tags. These
are at the start and end of your document. The one at the start
looks like <html>
and the one at the end looks like </html>.
The next set of tags are the head tags which look like <head>
and </head>
. Within the head you have the title which appears across the top
of the browser window. The title for this web page is "Writing
a web page - Kids on the Net". You put the title in tags <title>
and </title>
within the head tags.
Then after closing the head you open the body with the tag <body>.
The body is where you put all the writing and pictures that you
wish to have on your web page.To start a new paragraph you use the
tag <p>. Obviously
you put writing in here and you close the paragraph with
</p> then you close the body with the following tag
</body>. At
the end of the document you put in the HTML close tag </HTML>.
So a simple web page written in HTML format might look like this.
<title>my web page<title>
<p> this is an example</p>

Formatting text
This section is all about how to do different text fonts, colours,
and sizes, and different backgrounds.
To set the font you use the following tag
<font size="4"
color="#000000" face="Arial, sans serif">ADD
TEXT HERE</font>
For example:
6, color #00CC00, and font Arial
is font size 4, color #000000, and font Arial
this is size 2, color
#6600ff, font Tahoma
The colours I used here are web safe colours. There are loads
of sites on the internet where you can find a complete list of all
the web safe colours, such as
Now onto setting the background. For this you use the tag
TEXT="#000000" LINK="#000099" ALINK="#6600ff">
This will make the background white, the text black, the link colour
blue, and the visited link colour purple.

This section is on how to use links to connect your web page together.
The tag you use to insert a link is
<A HREF="insert
web address here">insert link description here</A>
So the link might look like
<A HREF="">website</A>
This is a link I have used making my website.
You can also apply links to pictures. this is slightly more complicated
as you need to insert a picture with the same tag.
This is quite a complicated tag
<A HREF="link details">
<IMG SRC="name of image" WIDTH="xxx" HEIGHT="xxx"</A>
If you want to remove the border simply add

General Stuff
This is how to insert a picture into your web page and guess what
another tag is needed. This one is basicaly the second part of the
picture hyperlink tag on the last page. It looks like this <IMG
SRC="picture name" WIDTH="xxx" HEIGHT="xxx">
Headings come in 6 different varieties: all are similar.
<H1>Heading 1: point size 18 </H1>
<H2>Heading 2: point size 16 </H2>
<H3>Heading 3: point size 14 </H3>
<H4>Heading 4: point size 12 </H4>
<H5>Heading 5: point size 11 </H5>
<H6>Heading 6: point size 10 </H6>
The tag <HR>
gives a horizontal line across the page.
<BR> gives
a break line like a carriage return.
Indents your text. </Blockquote>
guess what.... this centres your text, end it with
<P> starts
a new paragraph </P>
pointed list</UL>
Each list item is denoted using <LI>list
Good luck with making your web pages!

One you have made a web page, or several pages in
a site, you will need to upload them onto a webserver so that everyone
can see them. Michael used, which is free web space,
but it does add adverts to your site.
If you would like to contribute some tips and hints
on making a web page,
please send them via the form here.

©2003-2011 Kids on the Net and the authors
Last revised
Kids on the Net

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