chunks of cheese
and a very loud sneeze.
Man in the moon
we’ll see you soon.
spell to launch Meg the witch and her cat Mog to the moon)
"Meg on the Moon"
by Helen Nicholl and Jan Pienkowsi
of toad,
Ear of bat,
Leg of frog,
Tail of cat.
Drop them in,
Stir it up,
Pour it in a silver cup.
"The Worst Witch Strikes Again"
by Jill Murphy
Allison and Busby 1980
(makes something fly)
(the full Body-Bind)
"Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone"
by J. K. Rowling
Bloomsbury, 1997
ecke ecke ecke ecke ben yan bjorn
spell: turns everything into a toaster!
"Jim Jam YaHa, The Secret World of the Rottentrolls"
by Gordon Firth and Tim Firth, Madcap 1998
(The Children’s Company TV series The Rottentrolls)
double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake:
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
"Macbeth" by William Shakespeare

best of the spells from previous years:
Hair bows and
goblins toes
make him grow a larger nose
By Phoenix

time travel spell
Arabarius locaradette,
in past times we have met
Arabarius locaradee,
through sands of time travel with me.
By Thomas, aged 12
"No Homework" Spell For
Lee, 11, Australia
board and chalk
Pencil and Pen
Go well together
Like an egg and hen
children and homework
They don't mix at all
We'd rather ride bikes,
Skate, or kick a football
classes are ending
And now you will say
"Because it's halloween
No homework today!"

Levitating spell
Adriana, 13,
wait till the midnight hour
fill a caldron with boiling oil and 12 bats and say:
bring me off the ground! force of air empower me!
with this spell, i call the winds of the north and south
oh spirit of ground release me.
then add 30 toads and a dead mans thumbnail
then say:
i am no longer slave to gravity
air, surround me
water, always flow,
fire, burn within me,
air, empower me!
then, add 3 hairs from a witchs nose
and say:
let me off the ground,
for i shall arise!
and the force of air will lift me!
variation: for a spell to make your broom fly, add 6
dead fingernails.

ultimate curse!
By Maline, 10
1 hot tomale
2 ostrich necks (no heads)
3 cat whiskers
4 cups of boiled mold
5 dead toads
bring to a boil

to fly a broom
Rei, 10, USA
a magical broom and shout "aceae yackie up" or any direction -- not
guaranteed to work!!!!

By Renessa, 8, Tow Nan School
Sprinkle, sprinkle, (name)tinkle. through the one you
throughly love. your eyes will twinkle....!!!!!!

Katherine, 12, Portsmouth, UK
2 lizards tongues
1 bats wing
3 little birds gently sing
9 hopping toads
5 screaching crows
mix all together and what will u get? Don't forget
you're special hair net.

By Brittany, 12, UK
life is fun,
Like a doll,
mess with me
and you'll be a troll.

to make yourself feel powerful
Mary, age 9, Lake County, IL,USA
Stare up at silvery moonlight.
Stand on a tree with your intails carved on to it, and feel the moonlight
chill your soul.
Bathe yourself in a silver washtub under the moon.
Say your name seven times to the stars.
Sleep in a fairy ring.
When you wake at the crack of dawn, you will truly be happy and powerful.
By Kaysee, 12, Launceston,
A witches tongue
A dead mans eye
A drop of dung
And bake into a pie

to turn your brother into a monkey! (this really works)
Spencer, age 13, New York
you need a brother,
put hot monkey shavings, a bar of soap,
a bowl of lice, a dirty sock,
a cup of sweat, and a piece of your brother's hair,
then if he drinks it he will transform into a monkey(please try this
it really really works)

How to turn
your sister into a sock!
Bob, age 12, New York
they are asleep you say the magical words out loud!
Now you cant hurt me
or hit me with a rock,
So PoP, PoP you are a sock!
on a shining night
By Rebbecca,
age 10, Mansfield Park Primary School
One dark shiny
night look at your blanket look at your window disappear child disappear
sun disappear and say marryanne 10 times

Amanda, age 12, Kansas, USA
This is an actual
spell, and I am an actual witch.
Protection Spell
White or blue candle,
Rose quartz,
and incense.
Place the herbs
and stones around the candle. Place the incense (if you have it) to
the right of the candle. Light the candle and the incense. Say, "I stand
in circle of light, to rid myelf of fright, protect me through the night.
Show me the way and protect me everyday. " This is a good spell to do
while out trick-or-treating to protect yourelf.

Travelling Spell
Mallory, age 7, East Elementary School, Iron Mtn. MI, USA
off a knob from a bed. Tell it where you want to go. Tap it three times.
And turn it a quarter turn to the left. And it will take you where you
want to go.

Attic is Haunted
Kristen, age 11, Keystone Oaks Middle School, Pittsburgh, PA USA
Hi! My name is Mattie. I'm nine years old and have no brothers or sisters,
but I do have a cousin. His name is Jamie and he is five years old.
He and his Mom and Dad (my Aunt Connie and Uncle Jim), live down the
street from me. They visit often, so Jamie is kind of like my little
brother. I can go show you a picture of him - wait, no, I take that
back - I can't, you see, my photo albumn is in the attic. My attic is
a frequent place that my family goes. It's like a play room to me or
well. . . it used to be. You see, It's not that I can't go up there,
it's that I'm scared to. I have a good reason to be too! It's not that
I'm scared because of a movie, although it is kind of like a movie,
but a real movie. If you want to hear the story, read on, but if you
don't, I'd close this book up right now.
It all started about a week ago. Jamie was coming to sleep over. When
he finally got here we decided to go skateboarding. Jamie didn't bring
his board so we went up to my attic to get my old one. As we went up
the steps we listened to the wierdest noises I had ever heard. It was
like a scratching noise. When we got to the top of the steps the light
bulb went out. Jamie and I were really scared. My attic is pretty spooky,
especially with the light off! Little did we know that it wasn't to
going to be the last of our creepy adventures.
Chapter 2
My Uncle didn't help much when we asked him what the noises could be
and why the light went out. That was a mistake. All he did was scare
us even more! He told us that the previous owner of this house spent
most of his time up in this attic. One day he died up there. To this
day his ghost haunts the attic. Jamie was so scared! He looked as if
he was going to cry. I knew what we had to do but I didn't know how
to tell Jamie. Later that night while Jamie and I were getting ready
for bed I told him what we had to do. Normally, Jamie is pretty brave
but this was an exception.
I finally got him to agree. In the morning Jamie and I made plans to
meet at my house at one o'clock. Until then, I would get ready for some
ghost tracking.
Chapter 3
When one o'clock came around and Jamie came over, I assured him that
we were ready. We went upstairs but hesitated before opening the attic
door. It made a creaky noise as it opened. The light was still burnt
out so it was hard to see. I tried to keep thinking of all the times
that I played up there. "Mattie", Jamie asked, "do you really think
the ghost that my Dad was talking about is real?" "I don't know Jamie,
I don't know", I said. Shreeeeeeeek! "What was that?" Jamie sqeaked.
"I don't know", I said. "Let's just keep going and keep quiet". OOOOOOOOOOOh!
"Mattie, I'm scared" Jamie cried. "It's OK Jamie, don't worry", I said
DO YOU WANT?" screamed a booming voice. "Run, Jamie, run", I yelled.
A shadowy figure chased us all through the attic. When we reached the
door, Jamie burst into tears. We turned the door knob and slammed the
door behind us. Once we caught our breath, we realized that my Uncle
Jim was right about the ghost.
The next day when I called Jamie, I asked him if he wanted to go back
to the attic. Surprisingly, he said yes. I invited him over to help
my form a plan. He came over in a flash.
We thought all day and finally had an idea that would definaltely work.
We rode our bikes to Aunt Connies to get a net, to Mrs. Smith's to get
a giant spring, and to the junk yard to get a refrigerater box.
When we got back to my house, we set up the trap. Other than the box,
the spring, and the net, my mother had everything else we needed. Then,
with Jamie and I being as quiet as possible, we took the trap up to
the attic.
We hid behind some boxes. That's when it started to work. "Jamie", I
whispered, "make some noise". Just then Jamie got up in front of the
trap and started yelling, "come out ghost, come get me! " Almost as
if by magic, from out of the shadows came the same figure that chased
us yesterday. It started coming towards Jamie like it was an owl and
Jamie was a mouse. Just when the ghost was a few inches away from him,
Jamie jumped out of the way. The ghost tripped over the string that
I had tied from wall to wall. It flew in front of the box and was scooped
into it by the net. Jamie and I thought we had him trapped so we walked
over to the box.
A hand came out of the bottom of the box! We ran for the door and slammed
it shut. That was when I realized that Jamie wasn't with me.
Chapter 5
When I finally came to my senses, I ran downstairs and told my Mom that
Jamie was sleeping over. I had to get Jamie out of that attic! I needed
to make a plan that would free Jamie but not put me in the line of fire.
Then it hit me! I didn't have to trick the ghost. All I had to do was
free Jamie without the ghost knowing! It took all the courage I had
but I was going to have to free Jamie.
I walked up the creaky old steps to the attic. I looked around for Jamie
but he was nowhere in sight. I walked around as if I were in a library.
I looked everywhere. I just couldn't find him.
Just then, I remembered the extra storage room in the roof. That had
to be where Jamie was! I climbed up the ladder that rested on the wall.
I opened the door that led to the extra storage room. I climbed up into
it and immediately saw Jamie. He was sitting in a chair all tied up
with ropes. He had a handkerchief around his mouth and tears running
down his cheeks. I had to get him out of there! I tiptoed over to him
and untied the ropes, then tiptoed down the ladder to the steps. Just
before I grabbed the doorknob, a shadow fell before us. Jamie and I
spun around like tops. Our jaws dropped in unison as we looked at what
stood before us.
A tall figure with snakelike hair and green eyes stared at us. He was
like fog, almost completely see-through. As fast as lightning, he reached
out to grab me! I backed up before he could get me. Then we slipped
out the door! This time Jamie was with me. This attic ghost was getting
out of control!
About an hour later I was ready to go back to the attic, but unfortunately
Jamie was not going. I didn't want to force him to go because I knew
how scared he was. I said I would go alone.
I was very scared but I had to do it. I walked up to the attic all by
myself. When I reached the top, I heard a scratching noise again but
I still went on. I figured Jamie was worried so I thought about going
back but I didn't. By this time I was so scared I couldn't keep my teeth
quiet! The ghost had to be somewhere! I turned the corner and it jumped
out from the boxes. I almost swallowed my teeth! I was chased all around
the attic. When I got to the door, I slammed it behind me and ran to
Jamie. I decided I wasn't going up to that attic ever again.
Jamie and I were confused. I mean, how could a ghost live in an attic
for so long and never make any trouble until now? Oh well.
Chapter 7
There are alot of unanswered questions about the ghost. How does he
live? What is his name? Why does he haunt this attic? All I know is
that anything up there right now is staying up there for a long time.
I am never going up in that attic again, unless we get the ghostbusters
to exterminate it! I don't know if Jamie will ever go up there again
either but I doubt it. I mean, he was actually captured by that ghost!
I invited Jamie over to play today. He said that his Dad said that ghosts
don't really exist, but I know for sure that they do because I have
one in my
attic, and it is scarier than all the ghosts in the world.
Mattie! " Jamie said. "What?" I replied. "I was thinking", he said,
"maybe, just maybe, my attic is haunted too! "
The End

get rid of your dad
Tara Pucino, age 12, Poughkeepsie, New York, USA
you get your dad and take his shirt off and pore milk and sugar and
water and put it on him on it and he will turn into dust. I guarantee
it that this will work.
Brittany, 11, NY, USA
Trust me on this,
Take a fat fish,
Take a eye,
Ohhhhhh my,
Find a sock,
And a rock,
Get a bat,
With a rat,
Now mix it together,
And say these words:
cike sit mtiyd wasaq,
and it will come true!!! (it really works)!

spell (how to fly)
By Capri, 10, U.S.A.
A high building,
A cape,
Say the magic words,
(I've tried this before with a adult.)

me alone
By Kathy, 11, Tigard, Oregon
This is for the kids that have annoying brothers,sisters,or
friends. U will need a piece of hair from them, something that they
have and really love, alcohol (not the kind that u drink), a picture
of them, and a piece of their clothes.
Put all these things in a pot with boiling water.
After it boils, stir for at least 5min or more.
Then turn it off and leave it there just till it isnt that hot anymore.
Then at night when they are at sleep put some on their forehead and
say the make words.
Happy day, happy night, happy me when u stop buggin.
Repeat 2 times.
You will love me, you will charish me, you will everything
I want.
Then they do what u want. Thank u thank u very much
. Later yall

to turn grand-father into a goblin
Miles, 8, Albany
one cauldron, put in some pencil shavings. rotten socks, and an old
Halloween mask. Add your grandfather. Stir for as long time. Let cool.
Take out grand-father: he'll have turned into a goblin

By Courtney, 10, USA
a broom and swing it round,
then you'll hear a scary sound.
Take a pot and put it near,
now take a rabbit's ear
Take the pot and fill it up,
then drink it *SLURP* up!!

Stories and Poems
By Felecia,
13, Vancouver, BC, Canada
things evil all around
banish from thy city or town
do not enter on hallow's night
do not give the kids a fright
watch your back this night of all
its halloween night and we are the powerful ones of all

By Lauren, age 12, Southport, Merseyside, UK
ancient house all old and dark.
Was made with brick and rotting bark.
In 1750 when it was built,
the family was happy and had no guilt.
But in the year of 89.
There was a murder an awful crime,
the terrified servants all departed.
As a few months later the hauntings started.
Edith and Marge ran away,
because of cause they could not stay.
Later that month the cat disappeared,
the murderer hasn't been found in the past few years.

By Amanda
& Kayleigh, age 14 & 11, Nottingham, UK
clouds swept across the moon as the bell at Styles Grange School began
to toll. It was midnight, and there was mischief in the air. Hight up
in the belltower, that first deafening clang had sent the roosting pigeons
flapping nervously this way and that in the dusty chamber. Time and
again they collided with one another, before spilling out through the
arched windows openings in to the dark night.
Now as
the bell continued to ring the birds were flying around and around the
tower, waiting for the din to subside. It wasn't only the pigeons who's
rest had been so rudely disrupted by the insistent chiming. In a dark
and narrow recess, something else had felt the echoing vibrations of
the bell.
It was
the skeleton of a hand as small as a child's hand. As the bell struck
seven the hand had twitched and flexed at nine, it began to writhe and
squirm breaking the cobwebs which clung so tightly to the bony fingers.
At eleven it fell back in to the crevice. By the time the final chime
had faded away to nothing, the dust had settled and the hand was motionless
once more.

Mystery of Buckingham Wood
By Michael, age
10, Bothwell Primary School, Bothwell, Lanarkshire, Scotland
It was a stormy
day and Bob decided to take a short cut home from school. It would mean
going through the 'haunted' wood but Bob didn't believe in these sort
of things.
Just as he was going through the thickest part of the wood, he thought
he could hear a strange sort of cackle. Timidly, he turned to see who
had sniggered, but there was no-one there. No-one, except the trees.
Suddenly, all the stories he'd heard about this 'haunted wood' crowded
into his mind. Terrified, he tried to make a run for it but the trees
had barred the only way out. One huge Oak stood in front of him and
said. . . yes, it really said,
"Why are you in the forest of the Silver Nymphs, Human?"
"P-p-please, Mr. Tree, I c-came h-here because I was taking a short
cut from school, " stammered Bob.
He felt more scared than he had ever done in his life. Still, he forced
himself to regain courage and said in a very small voice, "Can you really
turn folk into stone?"
" Never fear, Boy. . . . I won't do anything to you. . . . yet, " sniggered
the Oak wickedly.
Suddenly, Bob felt a frightful jerk. Desperately, he tried to pull away,
but his struggles were in vain. No matter how hard he tried, the tree's
grip was by far the stronger, and he felt himself being pulled inwards!
His arms felt strange, as if they were made of wood. . . but this can't
be. . . or can it? He looked down and nearly passed out with the shock.
. . he was eight feet high! Slowly, Bob began to realise the truth.
. . he was turning into a tree. Fear was coursing through him, but he
was finding it difficult to think. Was there anything he could do to
stop this? His legs were joined together now and his arms were sprouting
leaves! Now, he could not think. . he was made of wood.
The next day, crowds of people were searching for Bob.
"Confound the boy!" exclaimed a particularly weedy man, as he peered
between the branches of a tall Oak tree, which rustled in a peculiar,
voice-like way. "What the devil did he want to slink away like this
"Look!" said a man nearby who was actually Bob's Dad, "That's Bob's
"Well, we'll look again tomorrow" said the weedy man, whose name was
Gilbert. "The boy has undoubtedly been foolish, and I hope that when
you do find him, you'll give him such a talking-to that he'll never
come near this place again!"
Everyone turned to go back to their homes. Bob's father came last, loathe
to give up the search for his son. But Gilbert was right, they couldn't
do any more, it was getting very dark. So, with a heavy heart, he picked
up the satchel and trudged towards home.
It was a few weeks later. The search had ended and Bob had almost been
forgotten, but not by Ben who had been his best friend. It was a sunny
afternoon and Ben decided to have one last search. The wood looked dense
and scary, but determination drove him onwards. He felt apprehensive,
but the thought that Bob was maybe injured and needing help, gave him
courage. The wind rustled through the trees and the branches creaked,
but there was no sign of his friend.
Suddenly, he heard a faint whisper that sounded like someone calling
his name. . . his hair stood on end. Slowly, he turned, the trees looked
different-had they really moved?
"Trees can not move!" he told himself firmly, but the wood still looked
strange. Now there was no doubt about it - the trees were literally
Ben was utterly petrified, but with one thought firmly glued in his
numb brain: he had to escape. . now! He forced his shaking legs to move
and made a bolt for it.
Crashing through the undergrowth. . . . he made it!
He was terribly out of breath, but felt more relieved than he'd ever
felt in his life!
The seasons changed and Winter gripped Buckingham Wood. The large Oak
tree had reached the end of its life. Its branches fell and squirrels
hibernated in its trunk. The sapling which stood beside it began to
change. . it shrank, its trunk split into legs and arms and hair sprouted
where the leaves had been. Within a short time, Bob emerged with a whoop
of joy! And where that evil old Oak had once stood? Only a patch of
withered grass, which looked like it had been there for generations.

By Ryan, 7, Pelsall,
One day a girl called
Michelle was walking home from school when she spotted a cave she
went in and saw a slime monster she screamed aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh.S
he ran as fast as she could until she could run no more. Then in front
of her face appeared a...VAMPIRE she screamed until she could scream
no more aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh.Then appeared a ghost...

, 10, Massachusetts, USA
Halloween night
what a fright,
the witches r here to give You a scare.
The goblins are out to have FUN.
Halloween night
what a fright,
the ghosts are here to give you a scare.
Halloween night
tucked up tight.
The end

Eyes in the Bushes
By Krista,
11, Miami,
One gloomy Halloween
night, three kids by the names of
Joe, Nita, and Matt set out to prove they were brave. Their task was
to go into the haunted woods of Lantash Bay. As they approched the
woods, streams of fog whisped through the leaves and moss covered
tree branches.
Joe, the so called
bravest of the three, stepped onto the path first. With a fast movement
of his hand, the other two walked with caution behind him. The path
was twisted and covered with sharp stones, and steep drops that seemed
as if they'd came from nowhere.
Bent trees and
sticky swamps loomed in front of the kids' way, making it hard to
walk without stopping continuously.
Finally, Joe
came to a stop, a row of tombstones lay in front of them. Shadows
filled the skies and eerie sounds came from beyond the bushes ahead
of them.
"Did you
hear that?" Nita said, her voice trembling with fear.
Matt stared at
the bushes then said softly, "What..what
was that sound?" Joe sits on a blackish rock for a minute then
says sharply," Everyone, quiet!" The group sits quietly,
the horrible sound coming closer.
can't stand it anymore!" Matt yells, but with the end of his
sentence a large figure leaps out from the darkness and attacks him,
ripping him limb from limb. Nita and Joe stare at each other, then
as if they were sharing minds they race off the path and climb a nearby
tree. They can already hear the growling sounds, and pounding of the
animals feet coming tward them. Joe lifts Nita up onto a branch, then
starts up himself.
" Joe, watch
out!" Nita screams as the creature's red glaring eyes come into
veiw. Joe tries to scramble up the tree but is grabbed by a claw and
takin into the depths of the creatures bloody jaws. Nita sits on the
limb, goosebumps cover her body as she listens helplessly to the pitiful
cries of Joe. Then she hears the creature, bloodthirsty and ready
to strike again. She tries to climb higher, but the creature climbs
as well, tearing
the bark off the tree. Suddenly, another creature appears in front
of Nita, and the creature's cries of triumphit sound through the woods.
One year after
that horrible incident, the once crystal bay waters of Lantash turn
to a bubblish red, and Lantash bay is renamed to Werewolf bay. One
gloomy Halloween nights to this day, you can still hear the cries,
and see the ghosts of the three kids who dared to go into the woods
of Lantash bay, West Virginia