The story
Chapter two
by Luckwell Primary School, Bristol,
“How about
we split up?” Draco suggested.
So Chandra and
Silverwing went one way and Draco went the other way with Nick.
In their excited anticipation for an adventure no one noticed Tizzy
standing daydreaming at the back of the group.
When he realized that he’d been
left behind Tizzy shouted, “Wait for me – help!”
He wondered which way to go.
Tizzy didn’t
know which way to turn – he crept along one of the passages,
he felt along the walls with his paws and gradually he made out
the outline of a door. Tizzy blew a little fire to help himself
see. It was an old wooden door, the metal handle thick with rust.
Ivy grew around the door and stinging nettles climbed tall from
the ground, reaching as far as the handle.
he screamed as a nettle caught his paw. He pulled it away just in
time ... in his annoyance at being stung he had not noticed that
the fire from his nostrils had caught the foliage around the door
and spread to the wood, he could not believe what he was seeing,
the door was burning down in front of his eyes…
Behind the door was a mystery. He could
see nothing through the mist and darkness confronting him.
He nervously stepped inside and found
himself falling. He realized he was falling down a slide, he felt
like he would never stop. He did though… all at once he was
jolted forwards and thrown across what he imagined to be a massive
room, and landed against a wall. As he sat dazed he thought he heard
a familiar voice shout, “Watch out, there’s a trap!”
“ I know that voice”, whispered
Tizzy to himself.
“It’s me, Nick, and Draco
too, you dumbo!” What a relief!
Nick explained that they had walked and
walked down the passageway that they had followed. A gang of dragon-warriors
had jumped on them and captured them in a net. They had dragged
the net into this cage and thrown them into a basket in the hole
in the ground, the very place where they were trapped now.
Tizzy breathed some fire and took a look
around. Magical, invincible spiders and snakes were guarding the
basket – there seemed to be no way out…

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