They shot off into
the sparkling sky, the red machine swinging in the air in a very un-rocketlike
"Settle down, my
dear, and make yourself comfortable." chuckled the professor.
As Daisy and Professor
Blib politely chatted, Blob set to work on his evil plan. He dialled up
his dark and beastly master on his portaviewer. "They are both here, oh
master (sob, sob). Will it be now?"
"Oh good and faithful
spy! Yes, and be thorough. Bring me back my little toy!"
Blob sniffled back
onto the bridge, carrying a green experiment. It was a foul colour, and
looked dangerous. He was holding it with a special glove.
"Do you want to
observe an unusual phenomenon, sir?" he cried.
"But my dear chap!
Of course!" replied the professor.
Without warning,
Blob threw the entire contents of the experiment all over the professor.
He began writhing in agony. Within seconds, he was dead.
Daisy fainted, to
the sound of Blob's tears. She woke up slowly. Where was she, and what
was that pink glow?
here she is!" exclaimed a familiar pink voice.
"Better say thank
you to Proddle, Daisy. He was the one that threw salt in the eyes of that
repulsive slug, just as Blob was handing you over. He was a bad one, and
no mistake. Now, with your permission, we'd like to knock out the Slugs
"Y-yes," stammered
Daisy, collecting her scattered wits.
"Thank you Mr. Proddle.
Captain Pinash, oh! That Blob killed a lovely man who was helping me to
find you. We must kill those evil slugs!"
"Hold tight, here
All of a sudden,
the pink ship looped the loop, ending up behind the Slimy Terror.
""Pazaz, fire salt
And the Slimy Terror
dwindled and shrunk before their eyes.
"That's for you,
Professor Blib," thought Daisy, with tears in her eyes.
"Your idea in the
first place!" chuckled Pinash. "We had no idea that common salt worked
so well against Sluggoids. Good job we carry it as ballast!"
"And, Miss Daisy,"
interrupted Proddle. "We managed to liberate the Copycat, the slugs' invention,
before we left. It is a robot that looks like us, and duplicates our movements.
We hate work, so it means jobs get done in double time! We can't lose,
And the crew grabbed
Daisy, and danced her around the ship.
Once they calmed
down, Pinash asked "Would you like us to return you to Earth now?"
"Oh dear," whimpered
Daisy "I miss them, but I'll miss you too."
"Well, "said Captain
Pinash. "At night look for the pink star, on the belt of Orion, and all
you have to do is rub this, and we will transport you to Pinkerello, for
a visit. It takes no time at all, and Pinkerello is very beautiful." He
handed Daisy a pink sparkly jewel.
So Daisy resumed
her duties at Calthorpe Grange. Occasionally, if Cook had been specially
short tempered she would rub the jewel, and spend the most wonderful night
on Pinkerello. Because, you see, there she is regarded as a heroine, since
Captain Arch Inventor Pinash introduced the Copycat to the planet, won
the Rose Cup, and told the whole of Pinkerello about the wonderful alien
called Daisy, who taught them how to kill slugs...
Cheltenham Festival of Literature 1999
last amended 6th October 1999