After the bright
flash Daisy was filled with amazement! She said to herself: "Where have
they gone?"
Back on Pinkerello,
the Pinkerellians were thinking of a plan to get both Daisies. Pazaz said,
"We can only have one Daisy, let's send a ship to Scumball's spacecraft".
The Pinkerellians
sent a message to Daisy. The message was: "Get to the spaceport and bring
the Powermeter."
They got to the
Pinkerellian ship. In it there was a big BOMB! She got the bomb and threw
it in Scumball's spaceship. They had about 20 seconds to get away before
it blew up!
Their ship wouldn't
start because their Powermeter was running out of Pinkerello power. The
Pinkerellians were terrified! In the last few seconds it went!
They looked back,
and saw Scumball's ship blowing up. Enormous bits of metal were flying
everywhere even, Scumball and Scruff! They were blown over to Pinkerello
and the Pinkerellians spotted them.
The Pinkerellians
had a cage - the roof was open and there was a tunnel, which led to a
deep, dark dungeon. Scumball and Scruff landed in the cage and they were
stuck in the dungeon forever because there was no way out! For the first
two days, the Pinkerellians fed them well but they soon forgot, and after
a week Scumball and Scruff started to starve and in less than two weeks
they became very skinny.
A few days later
it was the final of the Rose Cup. The Cup is all about bringing machines
together. They have to come in and show the judges what they can do and
the most interesting one will win. Six different kinds of aliens were
there. They were the JoJonuts, Jjnutters, Pinkerellians, Paperaliens,
Mooneraliens and the Chinkeraliens.
The judges said,
"Only three to go through".
The machines were
Daisy for the Pinkerellians, Washing Machine for the JoJonuts, Soap for
the Jjnutters, Origami for the Paperaliens, Sponge for the Mooneraliens
and Robot Dog for the Chinkeraliens - which they stole from a cartoon
on 20th Century Earth! There was tension all around because they all wanted
to win the Rose Cup.
The aliens which
got knocked out were the Jjnutters, JoJonuts and the Mooneraliens.
In third place were
the Chinkeraliens, in second place, the Paperaliens with their Origami
Robot which was magical and made powerful spells to produce different
paper folding models. They had traded powerful Origami instructions for
the robot.
In first place with
Daisy's transporter, were the Pinkerellians. The Pinkerellians thanked
Daisy ever so much because she had won the Rose Cup for them. The Pinkerallians
was so pleased that they gave Daisy the Rose Cup for a souvenir.

The Pinkerellians
went back to Pinkerello. They checked on Scumball and Scuff, they had
started to rot away so the Pinkerellians were very glad.
They took Daisy
back to Calthorpe Grange and she didn't have to do any more jobs because
they had got so worried about her that they thought that if she had to
do any more jobs she might go away again.

Cheltenham Festival of Literature 1999
last amended 6th October 1999