know!" said Plink. "We can make a fake Powermeter and then swap it for
Daisy Two!"
"What can we make
it from?" asked Captain Pinash.
"How about Space
Carbon, that stuff that can be anything you want it to be?" They set to
work on building it. They had lots of Space Carbon on board so they were
quick making it. After they had made the fake Powermeter they stopped
the space ship and waited for Scumball to come and make them swap the
"So will you swap
the Powermeter?" rumbled Scumball.
"Yes but only for
Daisy Two," answered Captain Pinash.
"You've got a deal."
Plink picked up his
handy mobile phone. He had another cunning plan. "Oh, hello. I'm reporting
a theft. Scumball from the planet Scarletina has stolen a robot of mine.
It's name is Daisy Two." Plink had rung the Intergalactic Space Police.
Scumball was now in deep trouble.
At that moment the
space around them filled with bright red and blue flashes. "OH NO!" screamed
Scumball, "it's the Space Police!"
" I'm arresting you
for stealing Daisy Two, you do not have to say anything because you will
be just wasting your breath," boomed a loud, deep and slightly scaring
voice. The blue umbrella was surrounded by a beam of white light, almost
blinding the Pinkerellians. A few seconds later, the umbrella had been
sucked into the giant rubber (the space police's ship) and whisked off
into another galaxy.
"Next stop Pinkerello!"
demanded Captain Pinash. The space ship zoomed off into the distance,
leaving a trail of justice behind them. 
As they touched down
on Pinkerello, something felt different to the crew. Pinkerello seemed
sad and disappointed, it was like something had been lost or stolen. Leaving
Daisy Two behind, Plink went and asked a traffic warden what was wrong.
Then as soon as he had finished asking, the traffic warden burst out in
tears. Plink decided that he wouldn't get any information out of the traffic
warden so he followed the others.
"Come on, lets go
and see when we can enter Daisy into the Rose Cup," ordered Captain Pinash.
So they set off to see the Rose Cup and enter Daisy into the competition,
but they were in for a big surprise.
person who ran the Rose Cup was Commander Nodnol. He was a silly man,
always telling jokes when he had the time. This time it was serious.
Daisy and the Pinkerellians
arrived and asked Commander Nodnol about the Rose Cup.
He answered "I would
like to say that it's fine to enter, but if I did I'd be telling a lie.
You can enter on one condition, you find the stolen Rose Cup!"
None of the Pinkerellians
(or Daisy) moved at all in the next few minutes, they were so shocked.
Nodnol broke the
silence by saying, "I'm afraid it was Scumball's dastardly cousin Dirtball.
If you want to enter, you have two days to find the Rose Cup!"

Cheltenham Festival of Literature 1999
last amended 28th September 1999