
Clonk! Clonk!
"That's it! Daisy
Two is complete," declared Chief Mechanic Proddle.
"Good work!" beamed
Pinash. "But does it perform as well as Daisy One?"
"I've thought of
a plan," announced Pazaz, Head of Ideas. "Let's take Daisy Two as well
as the Wakerupper to the party and see if they work."
"Good evening."
Soon they were on
earth in their ship, cunningly disguised as a dustbin.
Daisy was in the
garden smelling pink roses. Plink, the youngest Pinkerellian, placed a
translator device in his ear and went to speak to her.
Daisy heard a strange
monotone voice. She was amazed to see a small, elongated, flamingo-like
pink figure.
"What are you?"
stammered Daisy , bravely resisting the urge to scream for help.
"I am a Pinkerellian."
Plink said, fascinated by Daisy. "Would you like to visit our beautiful
pink planet ?"
Meanwhile, Proddle,
Pazaz and Pinash reached The Grange with Daisy Two. They pulled the bell.
"Ding-a-ling!" The tall, wooden doors creaked open. There stood a burley
housekeeper, Miss Pratchett, in her starched apron. Her sharp eyes spotted
Daisy Two. "There you are, Daisy! Cook's been wondering where you'd got
to. Oh! I see! The entertainers are here. Welcome, gentlemen. Come this
way." The Pinkerellians followed with a stiffly moving Daisy Two. "I see
you already have your costumes. Most unusual!" She muttered.
She stopped in amazement.
"What ARE you doing, girl?" There on the floor was Daisy Two in walking
mode, but lying on her back.
The Pinkerellians
exchanged glances. Malfunctioning Robot!
An orchestra struck
up. Daisy Two got up and stiffly marched round the room. She bumped into
guests and knocked over a vase which made a splintering crash. She then
plunged into a giant Victoria sponge. Squelch!
"Obviously a few
miscalculations in the design, Proddle!" whispered Pinash.
"Oh no!" A giant
scarlet shape flashed past the window.
"Not Scumball again!"
cried Pinash in exasperation.
Pinkerellians had
always been troubled by Captain Scumball and his crew, who were intergalactic
pirates from the Planet Scarletina. Scumball was always trying to pinch
their ideas.

At that very moment,
Scumball slurped,"That Daisy shall be ours!"
His sniffling side-kick,
Scuff, shuffled nearer. "W…w…what about k…kid…kidnapping her?"
"Good idea, Scuff!"
said Scumball, a smile spreading over his face like a rash.
The housekeeper was
screaming. The maids scuttled. Daisy Two was placing a strawberry jelly
on Lord Calthorpe's head. Scumball crept closer disguised as a chocolate
cake. He quietly snatched Daisy Two in the belief he had the real Daisy
and slurped out sniggering with triumph.
Back in the garden,
the real Daisy thought about Plink's suggestion. Her life in the big house
was very hard. Who wouldn't want to escape? Hadn't she longed to see the
beauty of the glowing, pink planet so far away in the night sky?
"I will come!" exclaimed
"Splendid!" declared
Plink. "You will be the first person from this planet to visit Pinkerello!"
Daisy and Plink
stepped inside the oversize dustbin. Proddle, Pazaz and Pinash returned.
"Scumball has Daisy Two!"
"Don't worry," said
Plink reassuringly. "The real Daisy has agreed to come with us."
With a roar and
a shower of pink sparks, the dustbin rose into the air. The kitchen garden
rapidly disappeared. Daisy looked in amazement at the stars. "Whatever
next?" she murmured.

Cheltenham Festival of Literature 1999
last amended 6th October 1999