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  Limericks from Hugh Sexey Middle School, Somerset, UK 
Limericks and other writing


By Alice, 11

I do not know what
to write in Haiku poems
my mind goes dizzy
(January 2005)

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My Friend

By Alice, 11

Smiley wiley
Daring maring
Dancing prancing
Sweet singer
Mad swinger
Nail biter
Fun lover
Loud laugher
That's my friend Kiri
(January 2005)

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By Liam, 10

Over the player,
Past the defenders,
Over the goalkeeper,
Over the post,
Out of the ground

The player chasing it down the street,
Wondering who it will meet

It met some boys,
Who were walking out of the hall,
He took them on and got the ball
(January 2005)

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A old man

By Shanice, 10

There once was a old man called Stann
who lived in a place called Cann
he got up one morning
and said how boring
I'd rather live in Japan.
(January 2005)

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What farmers do

By Jane, 10

The Stunt Hunt

I once went out on a hunt,
A boy did a wicked stunt.
On a B.M.X,
He was very flex,
But the horses gave a grunt!

The Calf and the Hen.

There was a Calf in a pen,
And suddenly, came a Hen.
Hen says, "what's the matter?"
And so, had a chatter.
But soon came the farmer men!
(January 2005)

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By Jack, 11

There was a young girl name of Alice
Who lived in a very small palace
On the first floor
There was a big door
Which lead to the wonderful Paris.
(January 2005)

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The lady from Kent

By Helen, 10

There once was a lady from Kent,
Who lived in a dusty old tent,
The tent kept on falling down,
She got out and pulled a frown,
She found her tent pole was bent.
(January 2005)

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By Jessica, 11

There once was a cute little duck,
Who got a bit mixed and said 'cluck',
Some hens took him in,
Prodded him with a pin,
Then all the hens said "What bad luck!"

There was a nice snowman called Todd,
Who for every dinner ate cod,
One day he got ill,
Had to take some pills,
Now he just eats peas in a pod.

I have a sister called Daisy,
Who is sometimes very lazy,
One night at half two,
She sat on the loo,
"My goodness Daisy, you're crazy!"

There once was a right cheeky chimp,
Who shot his leg and had to limp,
He let go of his crutch,
Met a man who was Dutch,
But found out that he was a wimp.
(January 2005)

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Fool at school

By Sophie, 11

There once was a boy called Billy,
Very childish and silly,
He went to school,
Acting a fool,
Wearing a dress that was frilly.
(January 2005)
Editor's Choice: Limerick of the Month

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By Sam, 10

There was a old grandad with a white beard
There was just one thing he's a bit weird
He suddenly had a shave
His skin all soft from his bathe
His girlfriend was a bit weird so he feared.
(January 2005)

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An old person

By Tom, 11

There was an old person from Kneeling
he had a rather weird feeling
he feel off a ladder
onto his padder
that old man had a better feeling!!!!
(January 2005)

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