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  Winter Haiku from Litherland, Liverpool, UK

Hannah, 10


Cute birds singing sweet.
Singing up upon a branch.
As the bright sun shines.

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Lois, 10


Snowmen alone, in
The cold all day long slowly
Melting to the ground.


Playing in the snow
Building snowballs ready to throw
Laughing when their done.


Icicles hanging
Down from tall trees, slowly
Melting in the sun.

Winter Poem

Winter Is

Winter is hot chocolate with marshmallows,
Winter is snowmen standing in the cold,
Winter is snowball fights with friends,
Winter is warm clothes and "Ugg" boots,
Winter is going to bed early,
Winter is lots of fun,
Winter is eating scrumptious hot roast dinners,
Winter is drinking cups of soup,
Winter is sitting in front of the fire.

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Daniel, 10


I always go out
When it is snowing again
I love the cold snow.


I build a snowman
With all my friends helping me
We build lots of them.


Ice is slippery
It is very dangerous
But it can be fun.

Winter Poem

Winter Is

Winter is hot chocolate by the warm fire on cold frosty day
Winter is hot steaming mashed potatoes with lovely warm gravy and some nice hot soup.
Winter is ice spread across the frosty road
Winter is snow gently falling from the sky.
Winter is playing in the snow, having a big snowball fight with all your friends
Winter is making a huge snowman in the garden.
Winter is watching TV all day and not having to move out of the chair
Winter is sleeping in 'till two o'clock in the afternoon.

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Shelby, 10


Tinsel, bells, holly
Decorations on the wall
Sweet smells of christmas.

The night before christmas

Off to bed to all
Night time has finally come
Christmas has begun.

Christmas tree

Putting the tree up
Put the angel on top branch
Now to get the lights.

Winter Poem

Winter Is

Winter is the cold season,
Winter is drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows,
Winter is cosy pyjamas and slippers,
Winter is sitting by the flickering fire,
Winter is warm and comfy clothes,
Winter is staying in with your family,
Winter is watching films in bed,
Winter is a nice tasty roast dinner.

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Jessica, 11


Snow falling on my head
From the dark midnight sky
Passing the winter moon.


Icicles cold and light
Hanging down from the old tree
Falling down to the ground.


Snowmen cold and white
Button eyes and a carrot nose
Wearing an old hat.

Winter Is

Winter is dark nights early to bed, warm and cosy, tucked tight
Winter is warm food, tea or chocolate
Winter is playing in snow, making snowmen and
snowball fights
Winter is slushy snow coming down from the sky
Winter is cold fingers, feet, nose and ears.

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Georgia, 10


Icicles Forming Down
Hanging Down From The Train Bridge
They Drip On My Head.


Snow Is Cold And Wet
Snow Makes SnowMen And Snowballs
All White And Slushy.


Winter Cold And White
Winter Is White And Fluffy
Winter Is Frosting.

Winter Poem
Winter Is

Winter is log fires,candles hot chocolate and fluffy cappuccino,
Winter is wet cold feet and red cold noses,
Winter is snow fun,snowball fights and buliding snowmen,
winter is hot food and lovely roast dinners,
Winter is early nights abd very cold and dark nights,
Winter is warm clothes and fluffy pink slippers.

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Ryan, 10


Snow falls softly down
snow is fun,snow is playful
snow is soft and cold.


Snowflakes floating down
snowflakes float down on my tongue
snowflakes are harmless.


Ice is slippery
You can skate and play hockey
Ice is a danger.

Winter poem.
Winter Is

Winter is hot chocolate and warm fleecy blankets.
Winter is snowball fights.
Winter is cold leather seettes in the morning.
Winter is roast dinners with gravy.
Winter is ice skating.
Winter is log fires over heating.
Winter is fluffy marshmallows with chocolate.
Winter is early to bed.

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Lewis, 10


The snowflakes dancing
on ice, swirling and turning
around on the ice.


Frozen water drips
down freezing into icicles
sharper than a blade.


Winter is very cold
colder than a shop freezer
ears and nose freezing.

Winter Poem

Winter Is

Winter is very warm gravy and mash,
Winter is snowflakes falling from the sky,
Winter is warm fluffy slippers sitting by the fire,
Winter is sitting by the very hot fire,
Winter is warm hot chocolate,
Winter is snowball fights,
Winter is icicles hanging from the gutter,
Winter is hot chilli home made soup,
Winter is very hot coffee,
Winter is hot baths and showers,
Winter is early nights in bed,
Winter is warm duvet covers at night,
Winter is warm hot heaters.

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Laurie, 11


Snow is icy cold
Snow on my ears and nose
Warm fires at night.


Frosty winds blowing
Candles burning and melting
Dark nights early to bed.


Icicles sharp ice
Hanging down and falling down
Dripping down, SPLASH !

Winter Is

Winter is warm clothes and warm fury boots.
Winter is watching movies with mugs of hot choclate, Marsh mallows sinking on top.
Winter is building snowmen and snowball fights, dressing
snowmen with stripy hats and scarves.
Winter is early nights and getting up late.
Winter is animals hibernating and frosted puddles.

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Lucy, 10


Snow falls lightly down
It is time to build snowmen
Friends come out and help.


Icicles hanging
Onto the mountain cliff top
Wind makes them tingle.


Sliding down the hill
Slipping down the mountain top
slushy cold feet freeze.

Winter is

Winter is soft pjs and pink fluffy slippers,
Winter is a soft curley bed,
Winter is hot melting chocolate and drinking by the warm fire
Winter is falls and broken bones on icy ponds,
Winter is a family roast dinner,
Winter is snuggling on the sofa with your feathery blankets over you,
Winter is children playing snow fights and making snowmen,
Winter is coming in from the cold and having wet feet,
Winter is wearing big brown boots so your feet dont get iced up,
Winter is coming down with horrible colds and nasty bugs,
Winter is dark nights early to bed,
Winter is waking up in the cold.

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Michael, 10


Snow falls quietly
Thick white carpet all around
Snowmen getting built


Frosty trees blowing
Frosty leaves getting crunched
White frosty forest.


Winter is freezing
Dark days, time to stay in-doors
Happy, warm in-doors.

Winter is

Winter is a cold time of year,
Winter is a time when we get ill,
Winter is a stormy,windy time trees blowning the gales,
winter is a dangerous with wind ice and frost,
Winter is a time of snowball fights,
Winter is trying to get warm with a cup of tea,
Winter is a cheerful time of the year,
Winter is frozen,
winter is the same weather as February,
Winter is bright icic'es,
Winter is hats, scarfs and gloves,
Winter is a snowing time,
Winter is hot chocolate and fluffy cappucino,
Winter is red, cold noses and wet, cold feet,
Winter is hot food and roast dinners,
Winter is my favourite time of the year.

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Kurtis, 10


Snowballs are cold and wet
They hit you hard on the back
Then they start to melt.


Icicles hang down
They are freezing cold and wet
Drip on to the ground.


Drifting through the sky
Snow is falling down on us
Lovely white carpet.

Winter is

Winter is hot chocolate with melted marshmallows
Winter is gorgeous roast dinners with runny gravy
Winter is thick clothes with snuggly P.J's
Winter is freezing, feet and fingers thawing out in the bath
Winter is no school

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Lauren, 11


Snow is white and fun
Snow is wet and very cold
snow and ice are slippy.


Ice is cold and slippy
Clinging to deep high mountains
people freezing there.


Winter windy weather
wear hat, scarf and woolly gloves
cold outside today

Winter is

Winter is snowball fights in the white garden
Winter is making snowmen and putting on woolly hats
Winter is icicles on the frosted window
Winter is sitting by the orange fire
Winter is very cold

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Hannah, 10


Snow flakes dancing down.
Helps make snowmen and snowballs.
Snowballs for snow fights.


Winter is so fluffy cold.
It tingles my tongue and toes.
Winter so Frosty!


Snow is icy cold.
Lands on my tongue and freezes.
Makes my face tingle.

Winter Poem

Winter is

Winter is drinking hot chocolate and snuggling teddies on the couch.
Winter is dark and late nights falling asleep while watching T.V.
Winter is cold weather gloves,hats and scarves come out.
Winter is warm and snuggly coats.
Winter is playing snowball fights and building snowmen.
Winter is catching snowflakes on your tongue.

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Kirsten, 10


Snow is cold and wet
It's falling down on my face
Snow is so playful.


Winter is frosty
It makes my body chatter
Winter is so cold.


Ice is so slippy
It is fun and dangerous
You can slide on it.

Winter is

Winter is cold and dark nights,
Winter is eating warm roast dinners with gravy,
Winter is hot scrummy cups of tea and coffee,
Winter is fluffy pink slippers,
Winter is a hot fire and frosty nights,
Winter is warm clothes and beds calling my name,
Winter is sleeping in,
Winter is waking up to the cold sofa,
Winter is warming hot milk over the stove,
Winter is gloves, hats and scarves,
Winter is bare trees and a black sky,
Winter is a season.

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Adam, 10


Snowball fights are fun.
The snow is fun to play with.
I love snowball fights.


Winter is freezing.
winter is clod and frosty.
winter is snowy.


The icicles drip.
The icicles are melting.
Icicles are cold.

Winter Is

Winter is hot chocolate and warm clothes.
Winter is snow fun, building snowmen and snowball fights.
Winter is sitting next to warm fire and toasting marshmallows.
Winter is warm woolly jumpers and warm gloves.
Winter is dark nights and early to bed.
Winter is wet cold feet and freezing fingers.
Winter is cold snow and freezing icy waters.
Winter is roast dinners with gravy and mash potato.

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Liam, 10


Frosty winter days
Wearing warm clothes, hat, gloves
People freezing cold.


Snow is cold and wet
Snow is really fun and white
Snow falls from the sky.


Slippy under foot
Crunch when you walk on it
Freezing cold and wet.

Winter Poem

Winter is

Winter is lovely warm meals,
Winter is staying in bed all day,
Winter is keeping your Pyjamas on all day,
Winter is frosty night,
Winter is warm clothes,
Winter is freezing cold,
Winter is a big warm coat,
Winter is hot drinks with marshmallows,
Winter is watching T.V.
Winter is warm slippers.

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Joe, 11


Snow falls where you go.
Snowmen in the back garden.
Sliding on ice is very fun.


Freezing cold out side.
Standing in the deep snow.
Snowball fights with friends.

Winter Warmers

Coming in from the cold.
Warming hands by the bright fire.
It's time to stay in.

Winter Poem

Winter is.

Winter is snowball fights.
Winter is nice hot bath and hot cup of coffee.
winter is log fires.
winter is building a snowman in the back garden.
winter is nice hot dinners.
winter is having a hot soup.
winter is getting in bed early.
Winter is warm hats gloves and jumpers.
winter is falling on ice.
Winter is ice and sliding every where.

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Kay, 11


Winter is hot tea
sitting by the coal fire
I like to get warm.

Snow Flakes

Snow flakes floating round
Snow flakes melting on a tree
Dripping off the branch.


Icicles very sharp
Glittering in the sunshine
They drip and they fall.

Winter is

Winter is hot log fires warm clothes and scarves
Wet feet and freezing fingers.
Winter is watching films and getting warm and eating mash potatoe.
Winter is dark nights and going to bed early and getting up late.
Winter is snowmen with cold carrot noses and old hats.

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