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A Tale Through Time

By Mike, 13

Isn't it strange how much jealousy can overtake a man's life. You just get the feeling that nothing can be done to stop it, until you have had your vengeance. This is just the way that poor Pat felt, and this is the story of how he overcame it.
Pat was a poor and angry man. Just days ago, he had been a happy millionaire. He had successfully made the first ever time machine. But a long time friend had stolen all of his money, his name was Will, and Pat was now out of a job and out on the streets. Pat wanted his revenge.
So, on Tuesday, Pat set out to get a job. He still had his car, thank God, and a little cash that he had stashed away many years ago when he had started to build his time machine. This is what he had. He had no friends or family to look to for help. All of his friends had turned their backs in his time of need, for no one wanted to help a homeless man.
He got a job at a local car sales store. His job was to make sure that all the cars could fly and that they were always in stock of them. This made him another small amount of money to use.
His plan was simple. All he was going to do was to stalk Will, kidnap him, and hold him for ransom. Will's parents were very protective, and would pay back all the money in full, plus maybe some to line his pockets with. After this was accomplished, he would kill Will before his family would ever get him back. The most that he could get in jail time was maybe six months. The law system really didn't care as long as he had a reason, and he never did it again. If he did, he would be killed in the same way that his victim was killed.
After two long months of waiting, he was financially stable enough to carry out his plan. On the night of his plan he went to the local gun dealership and bought a zxy-20009 laser shot and then left for Will's home.
When he had gotten there, he found everything just as he had planned. Will was asleep, and, what was this. His time machine! Pat had been sure that Will had sold it for some additional money. But no. Here it was in perfect condition and ready to go. It seemed as though Will was planning to go somewhere in time.
Well, Pat decided that he must act fast. He had no idea what to expect from a man like Will. He was cold and heartless and stole from others without care. So Pat decided to go in and steal back the time machine first. It wouldn't take very long. He would run in, hide it somewhere outside and then he would be able to get it without worrying about the police.
Inside he went. Nothing could stop him now. The adrenaline was pumping through his veins and it seemed that vengeance would soon be his. But as Pat stepped inside, he felt himself being pelted by small bee-bee like objects. These he realized were the first part of a vicious attack if Pat did not back down now. He had come this far, and he was not about to back down now.
He crept into the room even further. Small lasers started to show themselves. It was now starting to get hostile. But on he walked and soon found himself in a storm of lasers and bee-bees meant to stop him from getting to the machine that he had created.
It was starting to become unbearable. The farther he walked, the larger the objects became, and they were coming faster and faster. He made on final dash and finally made it to the time machine. But in his desperation he accidentally hit the switch to turn it on. He saw the time go forward fifty years, then back one hundred. Up a thousand, and back a million. He had no idea when it would stop, and try as he might, he could not do anything about it.
Finally it stopped and he was thrown back so violently, it hurt his neck. A wave of fear swept him and he wondered if it would work the most that he had tested it had been two hours into the past, and then two hours into the future. He also had no idea what Will had done to it in his absence.
Finally he felt it stop, and he had landed on what looked like a grassy field. He had no idea when or where he was in time or in the world. He got out of the time machine and hid it in some bushes. Then marked them with an "x" of sticks so that he would be able to find it again.
As he walked, he could see that he was on a stretch of farmland. But how could this be. There were almost no farms in the world anymore. Everything was made from machines. He saw a house and decided to go and ask where he was.
As he approached the house he thought that it looked familiar. And then like a tidal wave it hit him. It was his old house from when he was just a kid at the age of 13. And then the most bizarre of all the events that night, of day occurred. He saw himself running along the side of the house.
He had no idea how it worked, but he was able to talk to himself. He walked forward to see, but stopped. What would he think of himself? Would he attack or be afraid, he had no idea. He turned and hid, for he did not want to frighten himself. And then he had and idea. What if he was to take himself, and show him the future? He could remember that as a child he was always wondering what the future held.
He stepped out from behind the house that he was hiding behind. "Hello." He said strangely"You may find this hard to believe, but I am you from the year 3001. I have discovered a way to travel through time and I have come back to get you and show you the future." His 13-ear-old self looked at him unblinkingly, and they stood there for a few minutes. "May I see your time machine then?" This was not quit the response that Pat was expecting, but it was also better than what he was hoping.
Thirteen-year-old Pat followed Pat until they were at the same field that Pat had just left. He pulled his time machine out from behind the bushes and sat inside. "What do you think. Do you believe me now?" Pat asked. "I not quit sure. I know not to do things like this with strangers, and for all I know you could be a stranger or you could be for real. I find it hard to grasp the concept that I create a real, working time machine in the future, and then come to the past to show myself the future. That's a little out of the ordinary."
Pat was begging to see that he was losing interest. He tried using events that he remembered when he was 13. "Do you remember the time that you and Arnold stole your cousins car and started driving down the old country roads, and accidentally crashed it into a house?" asked Pat.
"No, but my cousin is coming in about two weeks."
"What month is this?" asked Pat. "It is May 7, 2987."Responded Pat. "Do you remember the first time you ever TP'ed a house. It should have done it only a month or so ago." "That's insane. How do you know that? Are you going to get me in trouble for that? Please don't." pleaded Pat. "Have no fear, for I do not intend on turning in myself. Please, come with me. Just try to trust me. I am for real."
"Against my better judgement, I think I will. There is something about you that I trust."
They stepped into the time machine and Pat turned it on. "Here we go!" Pat screamed as the time machine lurched forward. And into the void of time and space they went. The time machine was set for the year 3001, and Pat had hoped that they would land somewhere far away from Will's house. For the moment, Will was the last thing on Pat's mind, and he did not want to have to kill or seek revenge on Will in front of himself. What would that do? It could make himself dread living and think that he was going to grow up to be a criminal. That was the last thing that he wanted.
As the time machine slowed, little Pat started to scream with jot. Pat knew that this had to be a major event in his life, and would be very excited to see the future. Not many people had the luxury, up until now.
They stepped out and examined their surroundings. They were not at Will's house, so that he was thankful for. But Pat could not figure out where they actually were. Then he realized; they were on top of Pat's house. He did not know how they were to get down, for the roofs nowadays were not for people to stand on unless specially made. This was not one of those roofs. For now, they were standing on a 6th story roof with no way to get down.
"Check out the scenery." said Pat. "This is so cool. I can't believe that you were actually telling the truth!" "Yes," said Pat, "that was the farthest that the time machine has actually gone in time. I haven't tested it out on that time before.
Without warning, a black cloaked figure came hurtling at them at a tremendous pace. It was riding what looked to be, and exact replica of Pat's time machine.
"Ha ha! Now you know why I stole your time machine Pat. I am to make an exact replica, and then sell it to major corporations. I will make millions. There will be no stopping me!" It was Will. "I followed you and watched you all the time that you were chatting with that young boy over there. But there is no need for me to worry anymore. Here you are and I can dispose of you the way that I wanted to a while ago. I know that your invention is going to be a hit and bring me a lot of money. I always wanted to be rich. Well, the time has come for me to say goodbye to you and your little friend forever."
Will pointed a gun at Pat, and then to the small Pat. "Which should I kill first. I have no need to worry about the little one, so I think he will be the first to go." A shot was fired, but no one was there to be hit. Both Pat's had suddenly disappeared! "What!? How did this happen? What did I do wrong again?"
At the very last second, the little Pat had pushed the ON button and sent the Pat's into the void. Now they plummeted into time without direction. They were out of Will's reach for now, but they had no idea where they were going to land. Pat checked the dial. It said that they were to travel back to 2059. That's a long time ago for them.
The time machine suddenly stopped, and both Pat's scrambled out. "Where are we? Or rather, when are we?" "2059 says the dial. I can't be sure because this thing is so unpredictable at times, but this should be a pretty accurate guess."
"Let's try to go back." Said Pat. "We don't want to be stuck here for too long. I don't know if we can trust the innocent appearance.
It was hot and must, and there were sounds of birds and animals everywhere. But how could this be? Animals were so scarce in these times, or so they thought. How far had they gone back in time?
Sure enough, a prehistoric pack of raptors from millions of years ago came hurtling at them at such a fast pace over a field, that they barely had time to react.
"Let's go back to our time." screamed little Pat. "I have no problems with that!" replied Pat. With that, Pat hit the button and right as the raptor was to hit them, they jetted off into the void.
As they slowed, Pat noticed that the dial was saying that they were going straight back to the time that they had just left not 20 million years or 2 minutes ago. They crashed down and heard a scream, followed by a disgusting sound that made them think of something being stepped on.
They got out of the time machine and went to either side of the contraption. Little Pat screamed and Pat finally realized why as he got up and looked around. They had gone right back to where they had just left, and landed right on top of Will.
"That is the last of my problems. Strange, but I don't feel as happy as I thought that I was going to feel. Well, we better get you back to your own time."
They got back in the time machine. "Can't I see more?" "No, I don't think that you should, the world is a horrible and twisted place. Plus, the police will be mad, and want to punish me at least somewhat. I'd rather that you were not around for that." Pat set the dial for his own period in time.
They set off, and in minutes were back to little Pat's house. "Well, I guess that this is goodbye. Now, you will only be a memory, and I will only be a vision of the future."
Little Pat grew up, and lived out the entire saga that he had already gone through, only with himself when he was younger. And then it happened again, and again and again. And so will it continue, as long as time persists. But there will always be the feeling to reek vengeance on another, forever.

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Last revised: 27 May 2001