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About this Site
Nottingham City

 Kids' Castle was created by Kids on the Net in 1999 with funding from Experian. It has since attracted literally millions of readers and contributors from all over the world.

Kids' Castle is a fictional but historically accurate castle based on Nottingham Castle as it was in about 1480. Many thanks to Denny Plowman and Nottingham City Museums and Libraries for their help and support for this project.

This site was conceived and designed by Mark Burgess and Philip Ardagh.
Mark wrote some of the words and drew most of the pictures. Philip wrote some of the words and drew the picture on page 56 that looks like some sticks of firewood.

All material (illustrations, text and animations) is copyright.
©Mark Burgess and Philip Ardagh 1999, 2003.

A Kids on the Net web site.
Maintained by Helen Whitehead for Kids on the Net.

Kids On The Net